www.l2-rge.ql.ltVersion: 2.5 Freya
Server online: 24/7
Rate xp/sp: x25
Rate party xp/sp: x2
Rate adena: x35
Rate drop: x25
Rate spoil: x25
Rate Raid-boss drop:x10
Rate drop quest/quest reward: x10
Skills autolearn
Safe enchant: +3 (fullbody +4)
Max enchant: +15
1st/2nd/3rd prof: NO quest
Nobless: full quest or donate
Olympiad working
Seed of Destruction, Seed of Infinity, Seed of Annihilation
Helbound working 100% (instant level 11)
RimKamaloka working
Rim Pailaka: Castle Dungeon working
Rim Pailaka: Fortress Dungeon working
Chamber of Delusion + fully working raid boss
Sub-class certification working
Attribute value working
Dynasty quests on Gracia Epilogue mobs working
GE zones fully woking ! Primeval Island, Giants Cave (with raid bosses), Den of Evil, Field of Whispers, Field of Silence, Forge of the Gods!
New Freya zones ! Plains of lizardmen, Monastery of silence, Beast Farm, Oel mahum training Grounds
Offline shop/creation working
Vitality system
Weight limit enchanted
Inventory slots enchanted
Raid Boss drop increased almost every S grade raid boss will drp s armor/weapon
And much more, including active GM's, good community, weekly updates and Great time with your friends
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=2853.0