Server rates
Experience (EXP): 15x
Skill Points (SP): 15x
Adena: 7x
Drop the Items: 9x
Spoil: 9x
Recs: 1x
Keys: 3x
Quest Experience (EXP): 1x
Quest Skill Points (SP): 1x
Quest Adena: 1x
Quest Drop Items: 1x
Weight Limit: 5x
Manor: 3x
Extract Fish: 3x
Enchant on the server
Safe Enchant: 4
Max. Enchant Armor: 12
Max. Enchant Weapon: 16
Normal Scroll chance: 52%
Blessed Scroll chance: 58%
Elemental Max. Level: Level 7
Elemental Stone chance: 50%
Elemental Crystal chance: 40%
Server time: UTC - 3 (Buenos Aires)
Duration of Buffs, Dances and Songs: 2 hours
Maximum Slots of Buffs 24 + 4 (Divine)
Maximum Slots of Dances and Songs : 12
Maximum of Clients per PC: 4 + 2 Offline
Olympiads Max. Enchant : 6
Anti-Bot System ( Smartguard )
Geodata and Pathnodes:
Automatic awards:
Auction house:
Maximum number of epic chars: 1 per PC
Sub-Class cumulative
Sub-Classe Quest
Sub-Classe Level Maximum: 85
Classe Master: [Image: check.png]
Off- line Shop mode:
BuffStore Sell Mode:
Auto Learn Skills:
Auto Learn Loot:
Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot
Vitality System:
Champions System
Wedding System
Damage on Screen (Oficial)
Skill toogle Anti-Buff implemented
Sistema no carrier
Premium Accounts
Daily Quest
Community engine
Epic community boss
Global GK
Globak GK a Forts - Loa raids
NEW Baium portal: 10 minutes left open and then closed.
There are no Clan or Alliance penalties to leave / dissolve / etc / No penality will be applied when a member leaves a clan
Weight limit: Increased / Increased weight limit
Olympiads - Basic Info
Olympic Cycle : 7 days
Hours of competition: 20: 00hs to 00: 00hs (GMT-3 Argentina Time)
Minimum number of registered: 6
Initial Points: 20
Maximum enchant in oly : +6
Number of weekly fights : 80
Heroes by IP: 1
Requirements to exit Hero: 15 or more fights made + 1 or more fights won + be the one with the most points of that class
Day and time of delivery of the Heroes: Sunday at noon
The day that the Heroes are delivered there is NO competition (it resumes the following day)
Castles and Sieges
Castles enabled: All
Siege frequency: 14 days
Duration of the siege: 2 hours
Registration deadline: 24 hours before the start
Siege Schedule: 18 to 20 GMT-3
Guards in Siege: Increased their stats as well as the doors.
Minimum level Clan: 6
Clans Backpacks: No
Castle Cloaks: Yes, they are sold in the manager of the castle by adena.
Territory War
TW frequency: 7 days
Duration of the siege: 2 hours
Siege Schedule: 17 to 19 GMT-3
Day of the Siege: Every Saturday.
Max wards: 4 per clan.
They restart at the beginning of each TW and return to their respective castles.
Fortress Siege
Waiting time : 1 hour
Duration of the siege: 1 hour
Fame to dead chars: NO
Chars by PC in fort zone: Max 3
Custom Reward per pc: Only 1 char.
Reward: To be defined (GC or GCM possibly or an extra amount of fame)
All achievements give fame and others give hats among other items.
Many of these achievements are known .. here we leave some images
We will expand some information as the server is in beta mode and we will post a list.
Achievement of PvP
Achievement de Pk
Karma's Achievement
Achievement for "x" amount of moobs
Achievements for "x" number of raids ...
Achievement for killing baium
Achievement for killing valakas
Achievement for killing antharas
And so it is a very big list !! We will do an exel detailing the prizes.
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