Hello topzone members, we are here to announce you that we will open the best custom srver you have been playing ever, stay tunned and join us.
27.10.18 at 17:00 GMT+1 Grand Open of L2Spring.
L2Spring Informations.
- Adena: 1 000x.
- XP: 1 000x.
- SP: 1 000x.
- Drop: 1 000x.
- PartyXp: 2x.
- PartySp: 2x.
- Starting character: 80 LvL.
L2Spring Custom Items.
Custom Armor's:
- Apella Armor Tier 1.
- Ancient Apella Armor Tier2.
- Epic Custom Jewerls.
- Ancient Spring Mask. [on rbs]
- Ancient Custom Hats [on shop].
- Tattoo's [level 1,2 on shop and Special on RB's].
-Costumes for .dressme system, only look, not stats.
Custom Weapon's :
Normal Grade Weapons on gm shop with 0 adena.
Ancient Spring Weapons on RB's. [ each rb drop one wepon random]
Custom Character Preview:
http://l2spring.eu/forum/index.php?/topic/2-some-photos-of-our-custom-gears/Enchant,Augment,Olympiad & Events Information.
Enchant rates:
- Safe enchant +4.
- Blessed scrolls max enchant (+18).
- Crystal max enchant (+20).
- Simple enchant scrolls chance - 80%.
- Blessed enchant scrolls chance - 90%.
- Crystal enchant scrolls chance - 20% if broke stay on same enchant, dont go to 0, remain same enchant.
Voiced commands:
.tvtjoin .tvtleave - Join or leave tvt event.
.ctfjoin .ctfleave - Join or leave ctf event.
.dmjoin .dmleave - Join of leave dm event.
.online - current online players count.
.repair - repairs stuck character in world.
Event system:
- TVT event [12:00 15:00 17:00 20:00 23:00] hours.
- CTF event [13:00 16:00 19:00 21:00 24:00] hours.
- DM event [11:00 14:00 18:00 22:00] hours.
- Top PvP and PK player event every 24H.
- Casino event working [24/7].
- Unique event shop.
Olympiad game:
- Retail olympiad game.
- Competition period [1] week.
- Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00].
- Olympoiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager.
Unique Features:
Custom character starting points.
Free Shop
Gm Shop
Spring Shop
Event Shop
Vote Shop
Global GK
Vote Manager
NPC Buffer (Scheme Buffer)
Max count of buffs - 76.
Top Players and clans NPC
Npc skill enchanter.
Casino NPC
Bug Report NPC
B grade items for free.
No grade limit.
No weight limit.
Main towns - Giran, Goddard, Gludio.
Working all castle sieges.
Stackable scrolls, lifestones, book of giants.
Unique primeval isle flag vs flag pvp area.
More then 9 active raid bosses.
Wedding system.
Unique farming areas.
Max subclasses - 5.
Free and no quest class change.
Free and no quest sub class.
Free nobless status.
Quake pvp system.
Pvp/pk show on title.
Online password change.
Online character name change.
Online gender changer.
Augmentation system (preconfigured).
1 active and 1 passive augment.
Server information npc.
Unique monsters.
Offline trade system.
Interlude retail skills.
Server up-time [24/7] [99]%.
Perfect class balance.
L2Spring - HomeLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=28711.0