L2themoment Interlude Season II x35 PTS
Grand Opening December 6, 2019
Exp: x35
Sp: x35
Adena: x10
Spoil: x10 (only basic materials)
SealStone: x1
Weight limit is increased x10
Teleport i for ALL TOWNS in Event gatekeeper
Auto loot - Automatic pick up (except raid's drops)
Offline shop: need a special item selling in gmshop (Unlimited)
Auto learn Skill - except divine inspiration and clan skills
Advanced Cancel: buffs returns after 10 seconds
Mana Potion restore 1000 MP with delay 10 seconds
Max number of Players on Clan is: 36
Infinity Escape to Giran
Max Inventory slot by player is increased to 80
Augments: NG SKILL: 1% | MID SKILL: 2% | HIGH SKILL: 5% | TOP SKILL: 7%
No donations items A and S-Grade
Automatic Donations in Shop on Website
Seven Signs:
Check in game
Clan halls:
Minimum bet has been increased by x10
Clan Hall rent has been increased by x25
Learning professions:
First occupation - Free
Second occupation - Free
Third occupation - 20.000.000 adena
Subclass: Resumed mode
You can get sub class from NPC:
Subclass Bosses:
80 Level - Cabrio: 6 Hours (Random -15 +15 Minutes)
80 Level - Golkonda: 6 Hours (Random -15 +15 Minutes)
80 Level - Hallate: 6 Hours (Random -15 +15 Minutes)
80 Level - Kernon: 6 Hours (Random -15 +15 Minutes)
Nobless: Retail
Nobless Boss:
80 Level - Flame Splendor of Barakiel: 6 Hours (Random -15 +15 Minutes)
Server Economy:
C and B-grade by Craft Retail
A-S by Craft Retail
Weapon S-grade by Craft Retail
Npc Full Buffs - All buffs Free without summoners buff
Buff's protect skill (Protect against buffs)
The maximum buff slots: 20 + 4 slots (Divine Inspiration) (Learning with Divine Inspiration)
Scheme Macro Buffs
Buff time: 1 hours
Summoners buffs: Retail
Time buffs from player - Retail
Enchant's information:
Safe: +3
Max Weapon Enchant: +16
Max Armor Enchant: +16
Max Jewels Enchant: +16
Enchant Rate: Retail
Olympiad start day: December 15
New periods on each 15 days
Every day from 18:00 at 22:00 hours [UTC 0]
No limit enchant
Epic Boss:
All Epic's Level 80 and Chaotic zones
85 Level - Valakas: 264 hours Retail (Random -30 +30 Minutes) - (Necklace of Valakas Chance: 100%)
80 Level - Antharas:168 (Random -30 +30 Minutes) - (Earring of Antharas Chance: 100%)
75 Level - Baium: 120 hours (Random -30 +30 Minutes) - (Ring of Baium Chance: 100%)
80 Level - Frintezza: 72 Hours (Random -30 +30 Minutes) - (Frintezza's Necklace Chance: 100%)
60 Level - Zaken: 48 Hours (Random -30 +30 Minutes) - (Zaken's Earring Chance: 100%)
40 Level - Queen Ant: 36 Hours (Random -30 +30 Minutes) - (Ring of Queen Ant Chance: 30%)
50 Level - Core: 24 Hours (Random -10 +10 Minutes) - (Ring of Core Chance: 50%)
50 Level - Orfen: 24 Hours (Random -10 +10 Minutes) - (Earring of Orfen Chance: 50%)
Raid Bosses:
All Other Raid Boss Retail
.expon - turn on experience from mobs
.expoff - turn off experience from mobs
.time - show real time of datacenter in game
DDoS protection
SmartGuard protection
Protection against all BOT program
Register and Download:
They will be released off
Open Beta Server:
Start on 24/11/2019
Close on 01/ 12/ 2019
Forum online for discussions and suggestions
[email protected]att: Marciel Gomes
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29321.0