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    Informations to world of Lovely Aden
    Get prepared and ensure incredible Gameplay
    Grand Opening 16 May at 16:00 (GMT-3)
    Website: www.lovelyaden.com

    Interlude Chronicles
    Official Assembly (EURO PTS)

    Rates / Enchant:
    Experience (EXP) x75
    Skill Points (SP): X75
    Drop (Adena): X75
    Safe +3
    Max Weapon: +16
    Max Armor/Jewels: +12
    Enchant Rate: 50%

    Time Server (GMT-3)
    All races start at Elven Village with top No-Grade items
    Jobs: 1ª Job, 2ª Job and 3ª Job by Adenas
    Cancel Advanced, buffs return after 15 seconds
    Mana Potion restores 2000 MP with 10 seconds of delay
    Augument Chance: NG Skill: 1% | Mid Skill: 2% | High Skill: 10% | Top Skill: 10%
    Auto learning Skills (fishing and Divine Inspiration skill need be learn manualy)
    Auto loot System (expect raid's drops)
    Offline Shop: Need a special item selling in GM Shop, each item can stay 2 days with shop activated
    Chaotic Zone in all Semi and Epic Raid Bosses
    Skill Restore Life was disabled from the server
    Only 1 Clans per Ally
    Auto Potions HP/MP/CP
    Infinity SoulShot's and Arrows
    Infinity Scape to Town of Giran
    Level GAP disabled
    Weight limit is increased twice
    No Donations that affect game balance

    C-Grade and B-Grade by Adenas.
    A-Grade and S-Grade by Farm or RB Drop.
    All drops of Lifestones, Blessed Enchants and enchants was disable from origin drops
    Unique way to adquire is killing raid bosses from special list or farm items

    20+4 Slots (Divine Inspiration by Quests)
    2 Hours Buffer Time
    Summoners Buffs: Retail
    Buff Time from Players: Retail
    All buffs Free in NPC
    Profile buffs (Macro in NPC Full buffs)

    Anti Zerg:
    Antizerg will become more rigid in its punishments.
    If you and your clan are punished with the antizerg, understand the punishments and be aware that the recurrence of this act will result in longer punishments and more limitations.
    You will be unable to teleport.
    You will not be able to speak in any chat.
    You will not be able to trade.
    You will not be able to leave talking island.
    You are unable to use scrolls.
    You will not be able to use teleport skills.
    During the chaotic areas you will have a maximum of 27 players, if you exceed the amount, your players will be moved to balance the amount allowed.
    The punishment times start at 1 hour and for each punishment received, it will be increased.

    Getting a Sub Class:
    You can get sub class from NPC
    Attention, the quest is not required!
    Attention! You are not required to hit raid bosses, talk to the chest that appears after death the raid is enough
    To get you need tall of 4 Scepters / 100.000.000 adena; 75+ lvl
    Scepter mined by killing raid bosses (to hit is not necessarily) and search the chest that appears (necessarily). Only characters level 75 + can find a scepter in the chest
    Scepter is not passed / not for sale, you can only delete the
    After the talk with a chest, the scepter appears in quest inventory
    After that you'll get Infernium Scepters and 250.000.000 adena, you should return to the NPC d with one click you will get a subclass

    Getting a Noblesse:
    Nobless status can be obtained from NPC
    Attention, the quest is not required!
    To get you need to have Nobless pass and 250.000.000 adena
    Nobless pass mined by killing a raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel. Group whose hit kill raid gets Nobless pass
    Nobless Pass is charged only to those participants seek a group who are on the subclass and have a 75 + level (subclass)

    Special Areas:
    Field os Whispers: Solo Farm Zone
    Field of Silence: Party Farm Zone

    Semi Epic Bosses:
    A special boss was added on the server, named Semi Epic.
    He will be the only RB with teleport available on GK.
    The area will be totally Chaotic Zone.
    Location: Clan Hall of Bandit Stronghold
    List of Drops:Top and High Life Stones 76 = 100% chance of drop.
    Scroll of Enchants = 100% chance of drop.
    Blessed Enchants = 100% chance of drop.
    Earring of Orfen = 15% chance of drop.
    Ring of Core = 15% chance of drop.
    Ring of Queen Ant = 10% chance of drop.

    Epic Bosses:
    85 Level - Valakas: 7 Days Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Antharas: 7 Days Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Baium: 5 Days Respawn (+30m / Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Frintezza: 3 Days Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Zaken: 2 Days Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Queen Ant: 1 Day Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Core: 1 Day Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Orfen: 1 Day Respawn (Chaotic Zone)

    Special Bosses:
    80 Level - Flame Splendor of Barakiel: 6 Hours Respawn
    80 Level - Cabrio: 6 Hours Respawn
    80 Level - Golkonda: 6 Hours Respawn
    80 Level - Hallate: 6 Hours Respawn
    80 Level - Kernon: 6 Hours Respawn
    80 Level - Plague Golem: 6 Hours Respawn
    80 Level - Bloody Empress Decarbia: 6 Hours Respawn
    80 Level - Ketra's Hero Hekaton: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Ketra's Commander Tayr: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Ketra's Chief Brakki: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Varka's Hero Shadith: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Varka's Commander Mos: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Cherub Galaxia: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Hestia Guardian Deity: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Ocean Flame Ashakiel: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Kernon's Faithful Servant Kalone: 6 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Uruka: 12 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    80 Level - Semi Epic: 12 Hours Respawn (Chaotic Zone)
    Others Bosses are Retail

    Extra / Epic Jewels:
    Drops of Epic Jewels are 100%
    Drops of Core, Orfen and Queen Ant are 50%
    Ring of Coren gives you 50+ Attack Speed
    Earring of Orfen gives you 50+ Casting Speed
    Tyrannosaurus Respawn 5m with drop chance 25% Top-Grade Life Stone 76
    Sell of Item Quest for Teleport in GM Shop
    Epic Jewels Control on Website
    Frintezza - New entry System:
    Frintezza underwent some changes to facilitate and make its goal more competitive
    Channel required with a minimum of 20 players
    Entrance will be free for everyone. (Not only 1 clan will enter)
    You will be born in the last room, and the frintessa will be born 5 to 15 minutes after the first person enters
    The entrance will remain open as long as the boss is alive
    We wish everyone a great PVP.

    Clan Halls:
    Minimal bet was increased by 10 times
    The rent of clanhalls was increased by 25 times
    Only clans that reached level 5 can buy clan halls
    Max bet on Clan Halls: 999.999.999 Аdena

    Custom Siege: Aden and Giran only
    Weekly sieges with payments in Euros for each Castle

    Daily Times: 16:00 - 22:00 (GMT-3)
    Only Open Class struggles will be available
    Max Enchant in Olympiads: +6
    Olympiad Fights start 22 May
    Olympiad Cycle 7 Days

    .help (list all commands below in game)
    .time (show real time of dedicated in game)
    .expoff (disable all exp gained in game)
    .expon (enable all exp gained in game)

    All Injection Protections
    Ant DDOS Protection
    Ant Bot Protection

    Email: [email protected]
    Facebook: facebook.com/line2inter
    Forum: https://lovelyaden.com/forum/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29645.0

