
Author Topic: (L2j Freya) - (L2Dawn freeshard x10 99% retail) Low/Mid Rate  (Read 1837 times)

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    L2Dawn Project


    Let me start with telling the story about the team behind this project.

    We are a small group of friends who have played Lineage 2 for a long time and have therefore got a lot of experience and knowledge of Lineage 2. Our team has also got a lot of experience in managing a Lineage 2 server, we also have our own professional Programmer who has great knowledge in Lineage 2 and its platform.

    The server runs on L2J Freya but let me tell you one thing now, we have seen on a lot of other servers that they always wait till the L2J team have fixed the bugs etc. but we do what we can to fix the bugs ourselves.
    We also check and test every new update that L2J produces on our test server before we update the main server.

    The server is now live


    Exp: x10
    SP: x12
    Drops: x7
    Spoil Rate: x15
    Spoil Drops: x3 for items until S grade, x1 for S80 & S84 items.
    Adena: x12
    Quest Exp/SP: x10
    Quest Reward: x4
    Quest Item Drop: 1
    Safe Enchant: 3
    Max Enchant: 25
    Party Level Difference: 20
    Party Exp: 1.3
    Party SP: 1.3


    Auto loot (except for raid bosses)
    All implemented areas work perfectly.
    All skills are implemented (81+ forgotten skills too).
    Kamaloka/Pailaka works.
    Sieges every two weeks.
    Olympiad System works retail like.
    There is NO GM shop , there is NO GM buffer.
    Buff/song/dance time is retail.
    Vitality system, with retail formula.
    There will be NO customization in character skills. They will be left retail like.
    Server auto restart every 2 days.
    Underground coliseum tournament.
    Clanhall siege.
    Auto database backup every time server is going offline (restart/shutdown).
    A lot of retail like events.
    Clan oath armor/apella works retail like.
    Weekly updates, for latest updates check change log on our site or forum.
    1st class change buyable. (price: 150,000 adena)
    Second class change buyable through Blue Print seller quest. (Blue Print seller is in the blacksmith house of Giran)(price: 3,000,000 adena)
    There is a warehouse keeper & warehouse manager stationed in every clan hall.
    Events on a regular basis.
    Baium Manager for "Pipette Knife" Quest (so one does not have to wait for baium every time to stab him with the quest knife)
    Global Chat has been enabled (will be switched back to local when we have enough players)

    We are going HI5 update time: 23.06.2011 - 24.06.2011
    We are doing a live relaunch with the HI5 update, all the new players that join our community after the update has been completed get a big exp boost. This will make it easier for the new players to join the levels of the older players.

    Vote Reward system will also come with the update (the rewards will not change gameplay)

    join our community now or after the update and have fun  ;)

    Ramses  :P

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3215.0

