
Author Topic: L2 Ateniada x100 PvP oriented server  (Read 1684 times)

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    L2 Ateniada x100 PvP oriented server
    « on: June 22, 2011, 02:32:15 PM »

    [size=18]★ Ateniada High Rate Server ★[/size]
    Chronicle of the gameHigh Five

    Home Page ateniada i forum

      ¤ XP/SP - 100
      ¤ Adena - 200
      ¤ Party XP - 5
      ¤ Party SP - 5
      ¤ Number of subclass - 3
      ¤ The maximum level subclass - 85
      ¤ Oversized storage to 250
      ¤ Normal enchant - 66%
      ¤ Blessed enchant - 75%
      ¤ Max enchant - 20
      ¤ Safe enchant - 6
      ¤ Chance to augment - Retail-like
      ¤ Max fame - 100'000[/list]
      [size=18]Coins in the game:[/size]
        ¤ Adena
        ¤ Festival Adena
        ¤ Ancient Adena
        ¤ Knight's Eppaulette
          ¤ Color change manager
          ¤ Wedding Manager
          ¤ TvT manager
          ¤ Server information NPC
          ¤ NPC Buffer
          ¤ NPC GM Shop
          ¤ NPC Augmenter
          ¤ NPC Global GK

          Geodata and pathfinding - paid versions, not available for free

          Modifications in PvP
          We changed the PvP system. On our server, you get a prize for each "frag" (PvP) in a special coin for which the prizes are as well as experience and SP.
          We want to encourage everyone to pvp and that installment XP are only 100 to get 85 so you need a little toil. I do not have to be boring mobs beating.
          An alternative may be, after all PvP.

          With the submission of a party, get experience even if someone from the party members will kill the enemy. The award in the form of exp in a party receives each!

          No MP pots on the HR server?
          On the server does not exist ... mana pots. WOOT! Whai! Silly guys!
          Mana pots stupidity is the worst that can exist in the world of Lineage II. These, these potions NORMAL destroy the trash server of PvP ...

          ormal pvp - limited mana. Thanks to this bishop is trying to choose a well-healing skil, dagger goals, Tank has a well-toggle switch, nuker will not kill the whole party.

          Pvp at 90% of the high rate - unlimited mana pots - infinite heal Bishop, with good equipment will not kill him, even party, beats anything dagger because I do not have to worry that lack the blue bar at him blowy, several tank / attack and / targetnext goes to tea in return, the propertied classes Recharge skill give back more mana. Thanks will be an asset during PvP.

          Other modifications on our server:
          ¤ Nerf Class Tank
          ¤ Nerf Class Dagggers
          ¤ Adds Skill of High Five
          ¤ The chance to avoid normal attacks increased to 85% (from 78.5%) at a differential accuracy <==> dodge 30 points
          ¤ Killing Spree - the more the larger frag killing spree (and a better prize)
          ¤ Weddings for players
          ¤ TvT
          ¤ Events created by the GMs
          ¤ Vote system

          Special farm
          Have been created special farm where you can collect coins needed to get the best armor and weapons. Depending on the type of mob, we get a little bit different coin. A few coins in circulation will therefore be maintained in a fashion where the server economy.

          For the lazy in one place are the mobs in the range 25 - 80 They have special drops but the sooner you can hunt.

          The grant will not affect gameplay in the game. All of the grants will also be possible to obtain in the game, but the grant is to simply faster.
          No boss epics, no weapons / armor +30 (max on serwie 20).

          Player panel
          When creating a panel of the player. Through this you will be able to exchange points of grants received from the various options for a change of name, gender, etc. .. Standard actions such as changing passwords or email will also be possible.

          It will be placed on the panel:
          ¤ for a small fee will be able to check equipment (without elements) player, if someone were to doubt whether he is "legit."
          ¤ Trade character - through our panel safely replace character
          ¤ rewards - the different prizes for different reasons (currently we have uploaded a full vit type of support form, once daily)

          Total Prohibition Dualbox!.

          Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3326.0

