
Author Topic: [L2j][Freya]New Lineage 2 Hunters x25 !  (Read 3081 times)

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    [L2j][Freya]New Lineage 2 Hunters x25 !
    « on: July 04, 2011, 02:14:10 AM »
    Lineage 2 Hunters

    New Lineage 2 Hunters's Server is a Lineage 2 Freya midd rate server , where you can show your skills on this game !

    WebSite : www.l2hunters.net
    Forum : www.l2hunters.net/index


    Rates :

    XP : x25
    SP : x25
    Party XP : 1.2
    Party SP : 1.2
    Drop Items : x20
    Raid Drop : x3
    Spoil Drop : x20
    Quest Drop : x7
    Adena : x30
    Safe Enchant : 4
    Max Enchant : 16
    Enchant Success : 65%
    Blessed Enchant success : 76%

    GM Shop :

    Up to A-Grade Weapons , Armors , Jewels
    Shots , Consumables ,
    Potions , Q Items for Clan ,
    Pets , Accessoaries , Forgotten Scrolls & More...

    + Event shop , where you can buy items with event and vote reward !

    Full NPC Buffer :

    Scheme buffer + All Buffs !

    GateKeeper :

    Teleport to all Towns and Villages + their zones !
    Teleport to Catacombs , Necropolisses , Fortresses ,
    Primeval , Gracia , Hellbound (Need Quest) and More ...

    Events :

    TvT Event Every 3 h.

    Vote Reward System TopZone - Reward to all online at every 10 votes !
    - AntiFeed Protection (1 reward per PC! no IP)
    - Fully automized!
    - Fully legal code!
    - Improved performanc
    - And More...

    Event Master of Enchanting

    Event Gift Of Vitality

    Valentine Event

    GM Events

    More events - soon ! (for Grand opening)

    More Info :

    Full GeoData + PathNodes !
    Sub Class without Quest
    Sub Class Max lvl 84
    All Castles , Fortresses and Clan Halls Working
    All Instances Working
    Full Hellbound
    All Epic Grand Boss Working
    Class Master:[1 class transfer - Cost: 100,000 Adena.]
    [2 class transfer - Cost: 1,000,000 Adena.]
    [3 class transfer - Cost: 10,000,000 Adena; 5,000,000 Ancient Adena. Reward: Giant's Codex.]

    Server Machine :

    Processor: Intel i5 760 Quad Core x2.8
    RAM: Kingston 8GB DDR3 1066MHZ
    100 Mbits Internet Connection

    BETA Start : Today at 21:00 PM + 2 GMT !

    GRAND OPENING : 08.07.2011 at 21:00 PM + 2 GMT !

                                          Regards , L2Hunters Staff (www.l2hunters.net)...

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3429.0
    « Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 12:07:45 PM by balabana »



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      Re: [L2j][Freya]New Lineage 2 Hunters x25 !
      « Reply #1 on: July 04, 2011, 12:07:03 PM »
      Added Full GeoData + PathNodes ! :)

