Xp = 15x
Sp = 15x
Adena = 15x
PartyXp = 2
PartySp = 2
ConsumableCost = 1
DropItems = 15x
RaidDropItems = 15x, no raid curse! (Epic jewelery x1/x2, epics have raidcurse enabled)
DropSpoil = 15x, "Blue" mob drop/spoil enabled
DropManor = 5
ExtractFish = 5
KarmaExpLost = 1
HellBoundPoints = 15x
QuestDrop = 5
QuestRewardXP = 5
QuestRewardSP = 5
QuestRewardAdena = 5
AdenaClassQuestReward = 5
QuestReward = 5
Raidbosses have 1h Spawn Time.
Free Class Change, Nobless and Subclass without quest!
Professional Bot Protection (You need OUR UPDATER to login)
professional Geodata, newest Freya version - fully supporting all new zones
Hellbound fully working, 15x trust rate
All Epiloque zones working
Seed of Annihilation working
Plains of Lizardmen fully functional, MOS, Stakato Nest, Sel Mahum
Old style raids, tank + mages possible, lower raid chaos time for more fun!
Retail-like Vitality system
Fully web-integrated game/forum account and vote system
First class high capacity machine, connection and service by
Core i7 920 QuadCore
12GB Ram
2x 750GB HDD Raid 1
Unlimited traffic