
Author Topic: WTS L2J Interlude Server Pack/Source (L2-Genesis)  (Read 4682 times)

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    WTS L2J Interlude Server Pack/Source (L2-Genesis)
    « on: September 05, 2011, 06:59:26 AM »
    Sorry guys i was a little inactive and had few pms as i saw but ok i will resell the project

    I am selling L2-Genesis.org pack
    It includes :
    Protection and all well known bug fixed
    Skills are working good i am not saying 100% or crap
    Balance , ok i dont want to lie so i cant say again 100% but there are custom skills/and skill to every class (like summoner is playable) that helps a little.
    Exp/Sp/ will be x1000 rates easier than retail
    Drop/Adena will be 1 ( only the custom mobs will drop adenas and the prices on the market are low)
    Safe +7
    Max +25
    Rate of normal scrolls is 80 and will get descreasing after +16 enchant bu -5% of each enchant
    Rate of blessed is 90 and if the enchantment fail from +10 and above the weapon will get back to +10
    Rate of crystal is 75 and if the enchantment fail they will go back to 0
    Tier 1 armor Titanium
    Tier 2 armor Dread
    Tier 3 armor Genesis
    Tier 4 armor Rykros

    Tier 1 weapon Unique
    Tier 2 weapon Genesis
    Tier 3 weapon Relic/Legendary

    Accesories (Every accesory that exist on the Mysterious merchant gives bonuses on PvP)
    Olympiad Mode: You will get acces to olympiad without customs and having only accesories
    Custom Gameplay: Some class got skills for support. Also all classes got hp+ cp boost
    PvP Color Name and Skill reward:
    100: Blue name
    200: Violet name
    1000: Yellow name
    6500: Grey Name
    13000: Red name

    100 +800 Cp boost
    200 Firework Skill
    500 Large Firework Skill
    1000 Masters blessed the body that increases hp to +500
    2000 ressurection Skill
    6500 Mass ressurection Skill
    13000 Masters COV that increases +300 CP/HP +100 P.Atk/P.Def/C.spd/Atk.Spd/M.def
    All augmented weapons can be tradeable
    You can press shift + click to view Droplist of a Boss/Monster
    Custom Zones for Farm / PvP /Trainers Area (Including town pvp arena)
    Ctf/Dm/TvT Events
    All characters got relax skill that restores all your effects during its use (HP/CP/MP)
    Mana pots increasing +500 mp and got 10sec reuse delay
    Armor Penalty and weapon penalty
    Augment weapons can be trader
    Weapon mod: Alternative activitation (you can choose 1 weapon id and you can make it if char is wearing the id of weapon and his hp gets to 30% automatically some skills are enabled to buff bar.. example you can add frenzy or ud or whatever you like)
    Pk manager (Anchors target)
    Clan reps seller and nobless seller
    Hax Trader trade your equipment for glittering medals

    Is a ready server that you can run it and i guarantee is stable :)

    www.l2-genesis.org live test (note: i sold him the server but he made some additions so if you find a farm zone or an npc that is not working.. is his own job lol)

    Payment methods: Paypal-Paysafe
    Price: 10 compiled , 20 with source/compiled

    just pm me

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4062.0



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      Re: WTS L2J Interlude Server Pack/Source (L2-Genesis)
      « Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 10:02:51 AM »
      bump + discount for 2 days source/compiled 10E live test available


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        Re: WTS L2J Interlude Server Pack/Source (L2-Genesis)
        « Reply #2 on: September 09, 2011, 06:26:00 AM »
        bump + discount for 2 days source/compiled 10E live test available

