
Author Topic: [L2OFF Interlude 75x] L2Int - Server goes life this Friday, 14.10.2011!!  (Read 2443 times)

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    Server is now in open beta stage period
    Server goes live on Friday, 14.10.2011


    Basic Information

    Chronicle: Interlude
    Platform: L2OFF


    Players start with level 20 and top D grade gear


    Safe Enchant:
    - Weapons, armors & Jewels +3 (retail-like)
    - Two-piece armors +4 (retail-like)

    Max Enchant:
    - Weapons: +16
    - Armors: +8

    Enchant Rate:
    - Mage weapons: 44% (retail-like)
    - Fighter weapons: 66% (retail-like)

    Custom NPC

    GM Shop
    - required adena up to B grade
    - A & S grade require custom materials besides adena
    - SA can be added in Special GM Shop (requires custom material), note: enchant is removed when SA is added
    - mana pots, cp potions (50 cp recovery), enchants can be bought in GM shop

    NPC Buffer
    - contains most of songs, dances and buffs w/o final class skills (COV,Mangus,POF etc..)
    - buffers are located in Giran, Rune and PI Portal

    Summon Buffer
    - same as NPC Buffer but buffs players summon
    - note: only summoner class can use it!

    Class Changer
    - all class changes are free
    - upload class change you recieve additional support/reward (1st class 1kk, 2nd class 5kk, 3rd class BOG)

    - NPC located on various places on PI
    - when you stand next to it you recieve buff every 10 seconds for 10 seconds which increases your P./M. Attack

    Global GK
    - you can teleport all over the map (towns and hunting grounds)

    Custom Zones

    Monastery of Silence (MOS)
    - solo zone
    - here you can obtain (by drop & spoil) Sdena, custom materials required for A/S grade Armors/Weapons and SA

    Primeval Isle (PI)
    - party zone
    - here you can obtain high amounts of Sdena, S grade Weapons w/o SA and Life Stones
    - PI Coast is PvP Zone (when you enter you become flagged - you recieve pvp point upon kill)
    - there are 4 T-Rex's that respawn every 20 minutes with same drops as other mobs except higher drop rate

    PI Portal
    - safe zone with buffers & misc shop

    Custom Raids

    Upon each of this raids spawn and defeat (or unspawn if it's not killed in time) an auto announcement is made.

    - spawns on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8PM (exact time)
    - is located in MOS Sactuary inside PvP Zone
    - drops Titanium Armor part, S grade SA Weapons, Life Stones and much more
    - each day it drops different type of armor (once Light, once Heavy and once Robe), BEWS/BEAS, S grade SA Weapons and much more

    - spawns on Tuesday and Thursday at 8PM (exact time)
    - is located in MOS Sanctuary inside PvP Zone
    - drops Dusk Shield or Tatto, Raid Tokens, BEWS/BEAS, S grade SA Weapons and much more

    - spawns every day from Mondey till Friday at 4PM (exact time)
    - is located on PI Coast inside PvP Zone
    - drops Raid Tokens, Life Stones, S grade SA Weapons, high amount of Life Stones BEWS/BEAS, and much more

    -spawn every Saturday at 8PM (exact time)
    - is located on the hill in PI Forest inside PvP Zone
    - drops high amount of Raid Tokens, high Amount of Life Stones, BEWS/BEAS, S grade SA Weapons and much more

    All raid spawn times are in GMT +1.

    Modified retail raids

    All raids are retail-like with respawn time of 24 hours with +- 2 hours window.

    - Raid Tokens
    - S grade SA Weapons
    - custom materials
    - Clan Box (double-click on it and recieve one of the clan eggs)

    Raid list:
    - Varka Hero Sadith
    - Varka Commander Mos
    - Varka Chief Huruth
    - Ketra Hero Hekaton
    - Ketra Commander Tayr
    - Ketra Chief Brakki
    - Amber
    - Death Lord Ipos
    - Storm Winged Naga
    - Palibati Queen Themis
    - Bloody Three
    - last Lesser Giant Glaki
    - Antharas Cloe
    - Beaslord Behemonth
    - Bloody Empress Dacabria
    - Doomblade Tanatos
    - Degeneration Golem
    - Flame Stone Golem
    - Geyser Guardian Hestia
    - Sheshark
    - Sobekk
    - Ocean Flame Ashakiel

    Custom Armors

    Titanium Armor
    - can be obtained by killing Titanium Raid (Diablo) which drops armor parts or by geathering Raid Tokens

    Dusk Shield
    - when worn with Titanium Armor (heavy or robe) stun resistance increases by 20%

    Dusk Tatto
    - when worn with Titanium Armor (light) evasion increases by 5

    Auto Events

    TvT Event
    - you can sign up for event every 3 hours near Giran Curch
    - the winning team claims reward (Event Coins)

    Cemetery Event
    - whole area is PvP Zone
    - every day from 7PM - 10PM monsters spawn with 3x drops (compared to MOS)
    - during event Event GK spawns in middle of Giran offering teleport to Event Zone
    - in the middle of Cemetery there's a statuewhich can be claimed (you need to speak with it and click "Claim") every 10 minutes, when someone claims the statue he recieves reward (Event Tokens)

    * more auto events will be added monthly

    Subclass & Nobless

    - All Sub/Nobl raidbosses need to be killed
    - Lunargent, hellfire oil, blooded fabric, red pipet knife and quick silver can bought in GM shop

    Olympiad & Heroes

    - olympiad period lasts 2 weeks
    - battles take place everyday from 8PM till midnight
    - heroe weapons have the same P./M. attack as +16 S grade Weapons

    - sieges take place Sunday evenings
    - at the begining there will be only Giran and Aden castles up for siege

    Server is now in open beta stage period
    Server goes live on Friday, 14.10.2011


    GM Shops in Giran

    NPC Buffers (Summoner + Player)

    Buff yourself as regular player or VIP

    Cemetery ERA with KOH event

    Class changer with rewards upon class change

    Echange your event medals for custom materials, lifestones or blessed enchants

    Rebuff and resupply yourself after PvP on PI Coast

    Sailren spawning every Saturday at 8PM (with announcement)

    Stay in the shade of sinep and recieve it's blessing

    Beware of PvP Zone, you can be killed or kill at any time!

    Rebuff and re-supply in rune after farming or raiding in MOS

    Choose strategic spot next to sinep on PI Cost PvP Zone

    Join Auto TvT event every 3 hours!

    Server is now in open beta stage period
    Server goes live on Friday, 14.10.2011


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4391.0

