L][Narsell L2J PvP Server
*Sp: 2000
*Adena: 5000
*Party Exp: 2000
*Party Sp: 2000
*Safe Full: 4
*Max Full : 16
*Max Armor: 16
*Max Jewells: 16
*Max Weapon: 18
*Normal Enchant Rate: 76%
*Blessed Enchant Rate: 100%
*Crystal Scroll Rate: 100%
*Normal LifeStone 76lvl 5%
*Mid Grade LifeStone 76lvl 8%
*High Grade LifeStone 76lvl 10%
*Top Grade LifeStone 76lvl 15%
*Farming coins (Not allowed/Silver coin)
*Vote reward items (Heart of Hope, Topstone&Hopzone +)
*Custom Events
*TVT Event
*CTF Event
*Strider Race Event
*Lucky Chest Event
*Clan War Event
*Quiz Event
*Fortress Event
*Custom Systems
*Vote reward system
*Anti-Buff Skill
*Teleport protection from flagged players
*Annnouncement of kills in a row
*Announcement of the top PK and PVP players
*Announcement Hero Login
*Announcement Castle Lord Login
*Announcement Days Before Olympiad End
*Announcement Top Online
*PvP Color Name 250-500-2000-5000-8000-10000+
*Global chat channel With 250 PvP
*Custom Areas
*Farm Zones
*Leveling Zone
*Safe Zone
*PvP/PK zone = Primeval Isle (Bishops Cant Ussing Heal Skills)
*Custom NPC
*GM Shop
*Global Gatekeeper
*Raid Boss Informer
*Wedding Manager
*Server Info
*Donation Manager
*Siege informer
*Clan war manager
*Clan Hall Manager
*Top Clan Manager(if you have 10-20-30-40 Online player in clan with diferent Ip you will be rewarded from npc)
*Clan Penalty - No Penalty
*Ally Penalty - No Penalty
*Grade Penalty - No Penalty
*New character start with 250kk adena
*Max Subclasses = 3
*Max Subclass level = 80
*Max Alliances = 3
*All active/passive augments are fully working!
*All flood protections
*Spawn Protection = 20sec
*Events Protection
*PvP farming Protection
*Scheme and macro buffer. All buffs 5 hours.
*No donation for enchants. Max is 16.
*Masterwork system.
*Clan reputation system.
*Easy Farm for adena and GoldBar exchange system.
*All skills are working.(C4-C5-C6 Skills Fully Working.)
*Full geodata + pathnode.
*High balance.(All Classes Are balanced.)
*Npc Buffer (without resist)
*Subclass without quest
*Buffs 2hours
*Buff Slots: 36+Divine inspiration
*MultiBox Allowed
*Auto Skill Learn
*Mana Potions
*Olimpiad 2 Weeks
*Clan Hall
*Working Four Sepulchers
*Offline shops system
Custom Features:
*Max buff slots setted to: 36
* Max debuffs: 5
* Autolearn Skills
* Standard respawn delay: 30 seconds
* Custom Start up zone
* Unique Raid Bosses
* On each pvp/pk you get an item
*Olympiad Not Allowed Aguments Skills
*Olympiad Max Enchant +6
*Olympiad After Olympiad Skills Refreshed
*Olympiad Protection From Feed (You have to wait 120 Sec)
*Anti-Buff Shield
*Custom Item for 255 Rec
*Custom Item For Clan lvl 6
*Custom Item For Clan lvl 7
*Custom Item For Clan LvL 8
*Custom Item For Clan Rep.
*Custom Item For Noblesse Status
*Master Penaldy
*Unigue PvP Reward system
*Npc For 12 Event
*Every Night At 21:00 Anunncement Top PvP Player Of Day
*Auto Vote Reward System
*Unigue Enchant System
*Unique Agument Skills system You can use 1 active 1 passive skill.
*Unique PvP Place PI Bishops Cant use Heal Skill's
*Much More 100 things + You Will See Them in game!!
*Many updates New Idea's Every Day!!
Custom Commands:
*.changepassword(You can change your password)
*.online(You can see how many are online)
*.stat(You can see stat of other player)
*.inventory(You can see of other player inventory)
*.toppvp(You can See 3 Top pvp Player today)
*.toppk(You can See 3 Top Pk Player Today)
*toponline(You can see Top Online Player ever)
*.olympiadjoin(You can join olympiad)
*.olympiadleave(You Can leave from olympiad)
*.email(You can sent 1 e-mail on 1 other player)
*.ipblock(You can block from somoen to pm/trade/more)
*.expon(You can open Exp)
*.expOff(You can Close exp)
*.offline(You can sit offline and to sell/buy Something)
*.gm(You can see wich gm can help you for petition)
*.res(You can res somoen with delay 30 sec)
*.heal(You can heal your Self ever 60 Sec in town Only)
*.cl(You can Teleport Your self on clan leader)
*.Clanhall(You can teleport Your Self in clanhall for 25 seconts)
*.gotolove(You can go in your wife for 25 seconts)
*.gmshop(You have full gm shop)
*.siege(You can see all castle's reg list)
*New Ideas Soon...
*Intel Core I7 1024 4 4.01 GHZ
*16 GB Ram
*2000 (2x1000)GB HD
*1000mbit/s Connection
*Unlimited Trafic
*Linux Os
*HDs&Intel SSDs
*Cisco ASA 5500
*L2 Wallker Protection
*All flood protections
*Spawn Protection = 20sec
*Olympiad Protection
*Events Protection
*L2Net Protection
*L2Boot Protection
Server Web:
www.L2Narsell.com (Soon))
www.L2Narsell.com/Forum (soon))
*More Forums(Adversting Your server everyday!
Grand Opening 1/2/12
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=6087.0