Server Rates =-
- Experience:75x
- Skill Points: 75x
- Adena Drop: 75x
- Item Drop: 35x
- Spoil: 35x
-= Enchant Rates =-
- Safe Enchant: +4
- Max Enchant: +16 (Weapon)
- Max Enchant: +16 (Armor)
- Max Enchant: +16 (jewels)
- Enchant Rate: 58% (normal Scrolls)
- Blessed Enchant Rate: 65%
-= Retail-Like Systems =-
- Auto-Learn Skills.
- Wedding System.
- Clan System. (lvl 8 Max)
- Clan Hall System.
- no waiting Clan Penalty.
- Castle Siege System.
- No Weight Penalty.
- Retail-Like Olympiad System.
- Free Sub-Class System. (3 is max)
- Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in shop
- Noblesse Skills 100% Working.
- Hero System.
- Hero Skills 100% Working.
- Duel System.
- Augmentation System.
- Augmentation Skills 100% Working.
- Fishing System.
- Seven Signs.
-2 Hour Buffs
- Spawn Protection 15 seconds.
- C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills 100% Working.
- C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters 100% Working.
- C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations 100% Working.
- Raid Bosses Respawned normally.
- Class Changing System.
- Unstuck Command 30 seconds.
-Reatail Gatekeeper % Cata/Necro Teleporter
- GM Shop up to B grade.
- NPC Buffer, with Full prophet Buffs.
- Not allowed Bar System. (.deposit | .withdraw)
- Balanced Classes.
-= PvP Color System=-
# Unique protection system server side & client side
# Slot Buff 28 + 6 debuff
# Mammons without 7signs period
# Working Forts , Clan Hall�s
# Komercion Geodata ! Full working !
-= Voice Commands=-
# .online Show how much online people.
#Our Server will allow you to use the following commands at tvt events
# .tvtjoin , .tvtleave , .tvtinfo