
Author Topic: L2 OFF Hellbound  (Read 1205 times)

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    L2 OFF Hellbound
    « on: July 02, 2012, 03:21:39 AM »
    Hello Guys, im here to ask you who would be greateful for create forgotten Hellbound on official pack ? Im wondering to create some specific server. Just give me 6 month ,  say yes in comment if u agree and u will join. Some features. Server 45x with buffers 2rd proff in. Enchants 66,6 normal bless 85%- but u can get bless only when u will reach 85 lvl and u will make rebirth and, after this your lvl will be 1 and u will get for example 3 coins. For this coins you will be able to buy somthing speacial + blessed scrolls. Gm shop till b grade, a-s for farm , 3 zones . And the best thing, dynasty armors and dynasty weapons/ icarus weapons. It woudnt be easy way to get it. You will have to good organise to get this weapons. Create full pt with min, tank + bishop and dmg dealers. If you have anyother suggestion. E-mail me [email protected]. Create server with me. I dream for server for everyone, each who wannted for example spoil and other who wont it to place them togheter. For example 2 zones where u can spoil and where u can normal farm. I have hard nut to crack. Cheers

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