
Author Topic: [L2J H5] L2-Sky Low x4 & mid x20  (Read 1654 times)

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    [L2J H5] L2-Sky Low x4 & mid x20
    « on: August 21, 2012, 11:06:58 AM »
    General Info:

    Server Version: High Five.
    BETA Server on: September 2012
    Server start date: September 2012
    Site - http://l2-sky.eu/
    Forum - http://l2-sky.eu/forum/forum.php

    CUMULUS x4:

    SERVER RATES:            
    Xp - 4
    Sp - 4
    Drop Adena - 2
    Drop Items - 3
    Drop Spoil - 4
    Quests Drop - 3
    Quests Reward - 1
    Raid Boss - 3
    Siege Guard - 1
    Fish Drop Count - 1
    Hellbound Confidence - 4
    Clan Rep Score - 3
    Manor - 1
    Drop Common Items - 1

    Party Bonus rate (from basic server rate - x4):
    1. 1.00 (solo)
    2. 1.30
    3. 1.40
    4. 1.60
    5. 1.80
    6. 1.90
    7. 2.00
    8. 2.20
    9. 2.30 (full pt)

    STRATUS x20:

    SERVER RATES:               
    Xp - 20
    Sp - 20
    Drop Adena - 10
    Drop Items - 10
    Drop Spoil - 10
    Quests Drop - 5
    Quests Reward - 3
    Raid Boss - 7
    Siege Guard - 2
    Fish Drop Count - 2
    Hellbound Confidence - 10
    Clan Rep Score - 3
    Manor - 2
    Drop Common Items - 5   

    Party Bonus rate(from basic server rate - x20):
    1. 1.00 (solo)
    2. 1.40
    3. 1.60
    4. 1.70
    5. 1.90
    6. 2.10
    7. 2.30
    8. 2.50
    9. 2.70 (full pt)

    No Carrier:
    Enable No Carrier - on
    Min Time – 0 sec
    Max Time – 600 sec
    Default Time – 60 sec
    No carrier - when your game client crash your character will still be online as "NO CARRIER" you will be in party, can receive exp, damage etc.

    Offline Trade:
    Offline Trade - on
    Min Level – 40 level
    Trade Name Color - gray
    Trade Price – 10.000 adena
    Restore After Restart – on
    Offline shop is avaiable only on trade zone(instance) placed in giran harbor. To enter trade zone u must teleport to giran harbor and talk to GateKeeper, he will teleport you into trade zone.
    U can also regenerate your mana for adena.

    Oly Start Time - 18 GTM+1
    Class Game Min – 11 people
    Non Class Game Min - 11 people
    Team Game Min – 6 team
    Game Max Limit – 70 matches
    Game Classes Count Limit – 30 matches
    Game No Classes Count Limit – 60 matches
    Game Team Count Limit – 10 matches
    Olympiad Battles For Reward - 15 matches
    Olympiad Points Weekly – 10 points

    CUMULUS x4: - 1 month period
    STRATUS x20: - 2 weeks period

    Fishing Championship:
    Reward - adena

    CUMULUS x4:
    Reward 1 place – 500.000
    Reward 2 place – 400.000
    Reward 3 place – 300.000
    Reward 4 place – 200.000
    Reward 5 place – 100.000

    STRATUS x20:
    Reward 1 place – 1.000.000
    Reward 2 place – 800.000
    Reward 3 place – 500.000
    Reward 4 place – 300.000
    Reward 5 place – 100.000

    Handy Block Checker (Fantasy Isle):
    Event - on
    Min Team Members - 2
    Rate Coin Reward - 1

    CUMULUS x4:
    NG Skill Chance – 15%
    NG Glow Chance = 0%
    Mid Skill Chance = 30%
    Mid Glow Chance = 40%
    High Skill Chance = 45%
    High Glow Chance = 70%
    Top Skill Chance = 60%
    Top Glow Chance = 100%
    Base Stat Chance = 1%
    Acc Skill Chance = 10%

    STRATUS x20:
    NG Skill Chance – 25%
    NG Glow Chance = 20%
    Mid Skill Chance = 40%
    Mid Glow Chance = 60%
    High Skill Chance = 55%
    High Glow Chance = 80%
    Top Skill Chance = 75%
    Top Glow Chance = 100%
    Base Stat Chance = 5%
    0Acc Skill Chance = 10%

    Enchant (Normal, Crystal and Blessed):
    Chance Weapon - 68%
    Chance Armor - 52%
    Chance Accessory - 54%
    Safe Enchant - +3
    Safe Enchant FullBody - +4
    Max - +20
    Armor Over Enchant HP Bonus Limit - +10
    Attribute Chance - 50%
    Attribute Crystal Chance - 30%

    CUMULUS x4:
    Maximum Slots For No Dwarf – 80 slot
    Maximum Slots For Dwarf – 100 slot
    Maximum Slots For Quests – 100 slot
    Warehouse Slots For NoDwarf – 100 slot
    Warehouse Slots For Dwarf – 120 slot
    Maximum Warehouse Slots For Clan – 200 slot
    Max Pvt Store Slots Dwarf - 8
    Max Pvt Store Slots Other - 5
    Max Pvt Manufacture Slots - 50

    STRATUS x20:
    Maximum Slots For No Dwarf – 250 slot
    Maximum Slots For Dwarf – 250 slot
    Maximum Slots For Quests – 100 slot
    Warehouse Slots For NoDwarf – 200 slot
    Warehouse Slots For Dwarf – 200 slot
    Maximum Warehouse Slots For Clan – 300 slot
    Max Pvt Store Slots Dwarf - 10
    Max Pvt Store Slots Other - 10
    Max Pvt Manufacture Slots - 100

    Hopzone & Topzone Vote Reward – on
    Votes Difference – 100 (for every 100 votes on server you will be rewarded)

    Auto Loot - on
    Auto Loot Individual (command .cfg)
    Auto Loot From Raids - off
    Craft Masterwork Chance – 3%
    Craft Double Craft Chance – 3%
    Allow Shift Click – on
    Death Penalty Chance – 10%
    Non Owner Item Pickup Delay - 15 sec
    Remove Skills On Delevel
    Gk Free – 40 level
    Gk Cruma – 56 max level
    Pet Inventory Limit – 12 slot
    Item Auction Enabled – first month closed
    Item Auction Announce
    Clan leader Name Colour - green
    Skills Chance Min – 10%
    Skills Chance Cap - 90%
    Announce Mammon Spawn
    Destroy Dropped Item After – 5 minutes
    Allow Others Withdraw From Clan Warehouse - on (leader command .clan)
    Buff fLimit – 20 slot + 4
    Dance & Song Limit – 12 slot
    Use Item Broker Item Search - on

    CUMULUS x4:
    Allow SubClass Without Quest – off, retail like quest
    Nobless – retail like quest
    Auto Learn Skills - off
    Auto Learn Forgotten Skills - off
    Blue monster spoil - off
    Allow Dualbox - off

    STRATUS x20:
    Allow SubClass Without Quest – on
    Nobless – retail like quest
    Auto Learn Skills - on
    Auto Learn Forgotten Skills - off
    Blue monster spoil - on
    Announce To Spawn Raidboss - on
    Allow Dualbox - on
    Full Buff (alt+b)
    Global GK (alt+b)
    Max Sub Level - 85
    GMshop - Full A grade (for S grade will be vote on forum)

    Working Events:
    April Fool's Day
    Coffer Of Shadows
    Defense Towns
    Fight Club
    L2 Collect Medal
    L2 Day
    Last Hero
    March 8
    Master Of Enchaning
    Pc Bang Points
    Saving Snowman
    Team VS Team
    Gang VS Gang
    Capture The Flag
    Death Match
    The Fall Harvest
    Trick Of Transmutation
    World Drop
    Bounty Hunters
    Freya Celebration
    Gift of Vitality
    PcCafe Points Exchange
    Summer Meleons
    The Flow Of The Horror
    Change of Heart

    Some H5 Features:
    H5 Items and skills and quests
    Frintezza, Freya, Zaken in instance
    Olympiad Quests Working
    Dragon Valley and Lair of Antharas updated to H5
    Nevit's Blessing, Hunting Bonus working
    Hellbound works up to 11 lvl
    Seven Sings quest 79 & 81
    All Seven Sings quests
    Seven Sings instances
    Nornils Garden instance
    Mithril Mine instance
    Steel Citadel
    Rim Kamalokas
    Sel Mahum Training Ground - Retail Like
    Chamber Of Delusion
    Naia Tower + Beleth
    Seed of Destruction + Raid Boss Tiat - Retail Like
    Seed of Infinity + The Two Brothers instance - Retail Like
    Seed of Anihilation + Raid Bosses Torumba/Taklacan/Dopagen - Retail Like
    Seed of Anihilation farming zone
    Crystal Cavern
    Fortress sieges
    Castle sieges
    Olympiad Games
    All Grand Bosses
    All Normal Bosses
    Knoriks working

    Squad Skill - Only clans who owns fortess or castle can gain thoose skills

    Usefull Commands:
    /olympiadstat - show your and others people olympiad stats
    .time or .date - show server time and date ingame
    .clan - clan leader can allow other clan members receive items from clan warehouse
    .password - allow you to change your account password
    .repair nickname - When your character stuck (won,t be able to use soe, ressurect etc.) u can log on another character within your account and use command eg. ".repair Mrs.Storm"
    .hellbound - information about hellbound (actual level etc.)
    .online - acutal online players


    .whoami - shows your statistics

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=9133.0

