Chronicle Interlude
XP: x1000
SP: x1000
PartyXp: x2
PartySp: x2
DropAdena: x2000
Enchant Max: +20
Enchant Event/Donate Max: 25
Enchant Safe: +5
Simple Enchant Rates: 80%
Bessed Enchant Rates: 90%
Basic things:
Server platform: L2j aCis
Class Auto (20,40,76 LvL table)
No Augumentation!
Subclass without quest
Anti heavy system
15 kills in a row = pvp aura + Announcement
Hero skills in all classes
Auto Learn Skills
Full Working Wedings
Commercial Geodata, full working
6 custom raid bosses
80% balanced classes (because support, dwarfs is not PvP characters.)
Npc buffer (2h buff time) 99 Buff slot
Scheme buffer
GM-shop to S grade.
Nobless manager
Pvp/pk color name and title system (10 levels)
Two types tattoos
Epic Armors
Dynasty Armors (top)
Epic Weapons
Dusk Weapons (top)
Custom items have a little bit more stats than S grade
Main town: Giran
Olympiad system Every 1 Weeks (Full Working), Retail Olympiad
Olympiad start 18:00 and end 24:00
Hero Change Every Sunday 24.00 Pm server anixe prin apo 2 wres sxedon. exei panw apo 300 + atoma onlline. to kako einai pws eimai o monadikos ellinas xaxax