Lineage II Uncensored FeaturesRates:
*Xp: 1000x
*Sp: 1000x
*Adena: 1000x
*Drop: 1000x
*Spoil: 1x
*Drop boss: 1000x
*Safe +4 / Max +20
*Normal Enchant: 85%
*Blessed Enchant: 100% (Max +16)
*Crystall Enchant: 100% (Max +20)
*You Start with Full A-Grade Items (Free) Only you need The Custom Commands!
*PvP/Pk Color System
*Max 6 Subclass
*Buff time 3 Hours
*Hero Every 2 Weeks
*Geodata & Pathdone
*Don't allow SOE in PvP
*Anti de-buff system.
*All Classes can wear Bow (Balanced)
*Heavy/Light Armor Restriction
*1 Not allowed Bar = 500 kk Adena
*Full Buff (You can`t give Resists Bufss to Other Players)
*Spawn Protection = 20 s - Unstuck Teleport Interval = 20s
*After dead Your CP/HP/MP Restore 100%
*Announce Castle Lord Log In ( We have Only 2 Castles Giran and Gludin)
*You Can Only Have 1 Augment Passive or Active
*Augments Rate : High Lifestone : 10% (Farmeable) // Top Lifestone : 35% (Only Vote Reward)
*Casino Manager-(NO HAVE BUGGS)
*Rec Item (When you press give time other 50 =100)
*Custom Noblesse Quest!
*Custom command ".fb"/".mb" = Fighter/Magebuffs
*Custom command ".castlemanager" and one Npc with Castle manager!
*When change the class armor/wepon dissarmed!
*Changed Shutdown Message!
*Announce Hero
*Announce Castle Lord
*Newbye Char Announce
*Custom teleport /unstuck - To Village!
*Casino Manager
*Teleporter(You can view how much ppl are in the Town)
*Seted Only 3 Towns/Castel sieges => Giran, Aden, Rune!
*And Much More - Log In Game And Have Fun!
*TvT,Ctf,Dm Coins
*Vote Coin
Custom NPC's:
*AIO SHOP (Full items/Reward Shop/Event Shop/Donate Shop)
*AIO Gatekeeper
*Vote Shop
*Class Manager (Free)
*Clan Manager
*All Subclasses In One Npc
*RaidBoss Spawn List Time
*Protection Pk
*Global GK
*Skill Enchanter
*PayPal Donater
*Casino Manager (Adena-Vote)
*Password Manager
*Town Teleporter (Show How much players are Inside)
*PvP/Pk/Clan Top List
*Clan Manager
*Custom Noblesse Quest
*Siege Manager
*Boss Spawn Info
*Wedding Manager
*Custom RaidBoss
Custom Item's:
*Event Medal (When you Win CTF/TvT/DM)
*Vote Item (Every 6 Votes you are Rewarded with 5 Vote Coins)
*Noblesse Item
*Reputation Points Item
Custom Commands:
/deposit - /withdraw
.daggeritems (Give A-Grade Items For Dagguer)
.mageitems (Give A-Grade Items For Mage)
.bowitems (Give A-Grade Items For Saggi)
.tankitems (Give A-Grade Items For Tank)
.ctfjoin/.ctfleave/.ctfinfo (Full Buff-Automated)
.dmjoin / .dmleave / .dminfo (Full Buff-Automated)
.tvtjoin / .tvtleave / .tvtinfo (Full Buff-Automated)
.fb (Fighter Buffs)
.mb (Mage Bufss)
WebSite :
http://www.l2uncensored.netForum :