L2 IceFire Interlude 7x
Website:http://l2icefire.euOpened: at 23.8.2013 18:00 CEST
Peak population
400+ and still growing. Come and enjoy oldschool lineage.
RATES:Experience (XP): x7
Skill Points (SP): x7
Drop (Adena): x7
Drop (Items): x7
Spoil: x7
Drop (Raidboss): x3
Drop (GrandBoss): x1
Drop (Grandboss Jewelry): x1
Quest Reward: x4
ENCHANTINGSafe Enchant amount: +3
Max. Enchant amount: +16
Real Chance (for Regular Scrolls): 66%
Real Chance (for Blessed Scrolls): 66%
DONATE:L2day buffs, Accesories, Pets, 1st and 2nd class
(1st and 2nd class also for adena)
Donator status: 25% exp/sp, adena (time limited)
Name and title colors
No 3rd class, No nobless, No subclass !!
Full working skills
Working Fortresses, Clan Halls and Castles
Full working Raid / Grand Bosses
Olympiad Period 2 weeks
Bot protection (lameguard)
Offline Shops Working
TvT, DM, CTF events
Champion monsters
Custom event in ivory tower secret room -> read more
Custom drop list (Shift + Lmb) -> read more
Active GMs (java developers) and Events
SERVERserver location: France
procesoc: 2x Intel Core i7 Processor i7-920 2.66GHz 8 MB
ram: 32GB DDR3
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=14586.0