
Author Topic: L2JEDMO 55X 11-01  (Read 1130 times)

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OfflineEdvinas Mockus

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    EDMO 55X 11-01
    « on: October 27, 2019, 06:54:49 AM »
    SERVER LIVE START 2019-11-01 18:00 HOUR GMT+2 Now server is TEST MODE
    About server 55x:
    RATES: XP 55x, SP 55x, Adena 30x, drop 20x, safe 3 max 20 gm shop up to dynasty,vesper vorpal drop, mw craft chance 5%, hellbound x5, boss 3x

    AugmentationNGSkillChance = 30
    AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0
    AugmentationMidSkillChance = 40
    AugmentationMidGlowChance = 50
    AugmentationHighSkillChance = 60
    AugmentationHighGlowChance = 70
    AugmentationTopSkillChance = 75
    AugmentationTopGlowChance = 100
    AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1
    AugmentationAccSkillChance = 30

    Custom NPC:
    buffer, gmshops, teleports, siege, symbol maker, raidboss teleporter etc...


    Other events:
    Enchant event, April fools event, Fall harvest event, group vs group event, L2day event, PC cafe points event (santa and march8 events will start on next year)
    .control - Character control panel
    .away .back - away mode(AFK)
    .vote - Use it every 12 hours to claim Reward from Voting
    .online - Shows how many players are online in game
    .offline - Sets Offline Private Store
    .repair - Repairing character located in same account
    .password - Changing Password of your Account
    .buffstore - Setup Offline Buffer Store
    .buffshield - Protects you from unwanted buff
    .siege - Full siege information
    .combine - Combines all same type talismans, into 1 with the total duration!
    .dressme - Change your visual texture appearance of Armor/Weapon/Cloak!
    .npcspawn - Spawn NPCs in ClanHalls!
    .party [message] - Find Party System
    .report - Target a player you think is botting, and punish him!
    .achievements .ach - Open achievement menu
    CTRL+CLICK - Hold Ctrl and click attry to use the stones on your armor!
    .engage - Offer marries to target
    .divorce - Break relationship and become free
    .gotolove - Teleport to your wife or husband
    ALT+B Buffer and teleporter

    Other info:In game working premium account system, olympiad 2 weeks(1 and 15days), sieges ,tw , clan hall wars, many new instances, newbie helpers, achievements system, balancer system, database engine, vote reward. Working and tested Vitality, nevits blessing, PC bang points.
    CLAN reward system for new clans


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29284.0
    « Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 07:53:35 AM by GraetMaestro »

