
Author Topic: L2JEURO-PVP INTERLUDE [X100] Online 3000+ join us!  (Read 1396 times)

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OfflineAndrey Payuk

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    EURO-PVP INTERLUDE [X100] Online 3000+ join us!
    « on: November 27, 2016, 02:17:08 PM »

    Grand Opening 100x - November 15, at 5 PM GMT (20:00 Moscow Time (GMT+3)
    Platform: Java
    Chronicles: Interlude
    Site: EURO-PVP.COM

    What awaits you at the start :
    All characters appearing in the standard locations.
    In all places, the appearance arranged all the necessary services .
    All the characters appear with TOP NG equippment.
    The new characters start in game with a small capital .
    What awaits you on the server :
    High-quality assembly, which corresponds to the official server Interlude
    Rates XP: 100x, SP: 100x, Drop Adena: 1x, Drop Items: 20x, Spoil: 25x, Quest: 15x, Raid 10x.
    Live economics rate Adena x1! All prices are indexed according to our rate.
    Unique Auction in the game, the server will make the market more advanced and relevant.
    Unique in-game mail between characters , the ability to trade on " the protection (code ) ."
    Unique secondary character password protection ! Read more .
    Unique Buffer, Shop, Profession.
    Unique community panel ALT + B.
    Unique EVENT "Fight Club ."
    Respawn of Raid Boss - like official server !
    In drop of all raidbosses added custom items(Euro Coins) euromoney.png
    Respawn Noblesse RaidBoss - 3 hours + - 30 minutes.
    Raid Boss respawn on the ally quest - 12-24 hours!
    Qualitative Geodata and geo -based platform that will add to the comfort of the game .
    Getting a profession or as an NPC in the ALT + B. Price 3rd profession - 3 000 000 Adena.
    Convenience store to B Grade . Recipes for A grade agr.png you can get for Euro Coins euromoney.pngthat fall from above level 78 mobs at 5% probability .
    It is also available in the store , " Mammon " with all its functions .
    The server is great and have convenient buffer to store the profiles and buff pets.
    Shots soul.png Arrows arrov.png us endless , you do not need to buy them !
    Server have champions mobs system 5x hp and enchanced performance.
    Under BUFF 36 slots available , all BUFF lasts 2 hours .
    Implemented and available offline sales and craft.
    Trip command experience, automatic call , chat .
    On our server, you don't need to worry about the portability of things your character ! Things we did does not have weight! Ditto for things available to you 250 slots in invertory .
    Chance of enchant simple scrolls - 60 % on all items. Chance of enchant blessed scrolls - 65 % on all items. Maximum of enchant weapons +16, +14 armor and jewelry .
    Cost Sub Class 6 000 000 Adena. Maximum 5 sub classes.
    While using the command  "/unstuck" - only 15 seconds .
    The number of recovered MPmanapoint.png potion at a time - 500 .
    Unique TVT, CTF, and 2 more copyright opening event .
    Legendary tournament 1 v 1 in automatic mode! Read more .
    Now you do not need to finish the fully noblesse quest . Some items are available in the GM-Shop noobles.png.
    The best protection against all kinds of programs .
    Protection against hacking of your accounts ! Binding system to IP / Hwid.
    Olympiad period on our server - month. After first hero one more time in two week , anti- cheat points. Max enchant for olympiad is +6 for all items !
    A chance to get a weapon skill of PM : TOP - 7 %; HIGH -5 %; MID - 3 %; Life - 1%.
    Sieges every 2 weeks.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=26770.0
    « Last Edit: November 27, 2016, 02:20:48 PM by Andrey Payuk »

