L2Collision--+ Server Rates +--Exp: 2000x.
Sp: 2000x.
Adena: 200x.
--+ Enchant +--
Safe: +3
Max Enchant: +16.
Max Attribute: 4 level.
Normal Scroll: 75%.
Blessed Scroll: 100%.
Attrbute Stone: 75%.
--+ Special Features +--
Cutom PvP Zones.
Auto flag PvP Zones.
Solo PvP Zone.
PvP Reward System: 1/2/3/5/10/15/25 kills.
Killing Spree Announcements.
Unique Castle Cloaks, for each castle.
{PvP}Cloaks Zaken/Frintezze/Freya.
PvP Color/PK Color System.
Balance Between Classes.
Vote Reward in Hopzone , Topzone.
Restriction for Global Chat is 20 pvps.
Working Community Board.
Solo Farm Instance.
Anti AFK at TvT.
Low-level Pk Protection.
Clan Leader color name.
PC Cafe Points. [Not in use at moment].
Cant use GK while in combat.
For all clan levels need: 40 members.
--+ Features +--
Starting with 2kkk aka 2 Bilions.
Question Mark to change class.
Buff Slots Are 40 and 17 dance/song.
/unstuck is with custom skill effect.
Unstuck time is 35 Seconds.
Spawn protection is 30 Seconds.
Respawn on 100% hp/mp/cp.
Augument skills are retail like.
No clan/alliance penalty.
--+ Custom NPCs +--
PvP/Pk Rank
Oly Rank
Scheme Buffer
GM Shop
Cloak Shop
Special Shop
Noblesse Manager
Augment Manager
PK Guard
--+ Olympiad: +--
Olympiad Cycle = 1 Week.
Olympiad starts at 18:00 GMT+2.
Olympiad end at 00:00 GMT+2.
Hero Weapons are not enchantable.
--+ Events +--
Solo Instance Event
Last Man Standing [LastHero]
TvT Event
Unique events from our staff.
--+ Game Command +--
.online / .repair / .engage / .divorce