
Author Topic: V-GATE H5 (Grand Opening 15-03-2012, 17:00)  (Read 1515 times)

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    V-GATE H5 (Grand Opening 15-03-2012, 17:00)
    « on: March 12, 2012, 02:29:04 PM »
    Server InformatioN:

    =>Goddess Of Destruction(H5)<=

    Server Rates:
    Exp : 15
    Sp  : 15
    Adena : 100
    Drop : 5
    Spoil : 2

    Enchant Rates:
    Safe Weapon Enchant : +4
    Safe Armor Enchant : +4

    Max Weapon Enchant : No Max
    Max Armor Enchant : No Max

    Normal Scroll : 60%
    Blessed Scroll : 70%

    Server Features:
    -Farm Items: Adena & Mouse Coins=(drop from champion mobs)
    -Auto Events every hour (TvT etc and 2 custom events)
    -Custom V-Gate Armor + Weapon sets
    -Custom Zones (lvl up & pvp/pk)
    -we try to make as more we can Balance Classes
    -Retail Olympiad System
    -Retail Duel System
    -Retail Buff Slots
    -All Raid Bosses Working
    -Skills are Auto Learned and working
    -1 Hour Buffs
    -Caradine's Letter (gm-shop)
    -Forgotten scrolls (TvT)
    -Max Run Speed: 250
    -Max PCrit Rate: 500
    -Max MCrit Rate: 200
    -Max PAtk Speed: 1999
    -Max MAtk Speed: 2500
    -Max Evasion: 250
    -Max Subclass: 5
    -Max Subclass Level: 85
    -Subclass without quest
    -Weight Limit: 10
    -".changepassword" voiced command (In game account password change)
    V-Gate Custom NPCS:
    -Gm shop [up to S-84 grade with Adena and then with mouse coins]
    -Rank Stone1: top PvP/pk/clan    
    -Rank Stone2: top TvΤ/Arena/Craft/Fisherman (auto rewards)
    -Symbol maker
    -Change Name color
    -Change Title color
    -Safe enchanter npc up to +8 (mouse coins)
    -Olympiad (Cycle = 2 Week)
    -Change class
    -Pk protection for Low-LvL

    Server Machine:
    CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k
    RAM: 32 GB DDR3
    HD: 1.5TB
    TRAFFIC: Unlimited
    UP-LINK: 1 GBit (100 Mbps Upload Speed)
    24/7 online
    Full Backup
    Full Protection
    No Wipe
    Admin: Ploutonas
    Gms: JackSparrow,Aggresive,D@rkmoon

    If you will stay or not is your decision but i thing we deserve one test before your final decision, tnx for your time!

    Website: http://www.l2vgate.com/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=6853.0

