L2FullFactions Server
Start in level 76 kill faction enemy to get XP!
Kill Enemy to get Adenas!
New Aura Hero system!
Free A grade
S and exclusive Armor for each Faction for Adenas(demonic/angels)
New system faction for PVP ONLY!!!!
Tatto System:
Power=1K HP+20SPEED
Dyes for adena in Shop
RaidBoss Jewels in Shop for Adena!
Safe=3 Max=16
Normals and Blesseds in Shop for adenas!
Events Raid Bosses for XP/Adena/Crystals Enchant!
Auto Noblesse
All Clases Fix
Mana Pots and Greater Healing Pots in shop!
Subclass lvl 80 100%
Buffer for char and pet!
HERO:When u have 10.000 adenas buy item from npc lionna and send petition to gm to exchange the item for hero
http://l2fullfaction.webcindario.com/Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=13852.0