
Author Topic: [INTERLUDE] L2 Invictus CUSTOM NEW  (Read 2970 times)

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    « on: March 31, 2011, 02:38:31 PM »
    Be a part of our comunity. A new server with custom features and full of pvp created just for you.
    Join now, don't hesitate!!
    Tomorrow [01.04.2011] the server will be opened for public !!!

    Fresh Interlude  CUSTOM server. Full of pvp!!
    Started on 1.04.2011!!!
    Server Rates:

    * XP: 5000x
    * SP: 5000x
    * Drop: 1x
    * Spoil: 1x
    * Adena: 7000x

    Enchant Rates:
    * Safe enchant: +5 (on all)
    * Max Weapon: +25
    * Max Armor: +25
    * Normal Scrolls: 75% from 5-20
    * Blessed Scrolls: 100% from 5-20
    * Crystal Scrolls: 100% from 20-25

    So you can make over enchant to maximum enchant only with Crystal scrolls.
    You can find them on raid boss or special events.

    Server Info:

    * Interlude stable Server, NEW START !
    * Completed C4 / C5 / Interlude skills
    * Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude, items
    * Custom Teleporter with all Zones
    * Full C4 / C5 / Interlude Mobs + Raids
    * 5 subclasses for 1 character
    * Geodata server: new smart quality geodata
    * Auto Class Master
    * Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Int, spawnlist and mobs
    * Clan Hall and Casltes are now working 100%
    * Duel system working
    * Zariche/Akamanah working
    * Community board working
    * Augmentation working
    * The chance to get a skill in the augmentation process is 17%
    * Delay from augmentation(attack) skills increased to 1 sec
    * You can use 1 active + 1 passive augment buffs
    * Away system mode on
    * Banking system mode on
    * Offline trade system mode on
    * Start Level: Normal
    * Subclass Level: Normal
    * Npc for Custom items.
    * Special Raid Bosses with special drop.
    * Commands: .deposit | .withdraw | .away | .back | .online
    * L2Phx,L2Walker, Anti DDos protection.
    * Anti FloodProtection.
    * Raid Boss Gatekeeper and much more.

    Other Informatios:

    *Karma player can use shop
    *Karma player can't use teleport
    *Karma player can use soe
    *Karma player can use trade
    *Karma player can use warehouse


    *Do not have to wait before:
    *Joining another clan
    *Create a new clan
    *Joining another alliance
    *Create a new alliance


    *Olympiad start time at 18:00 (6 pm)
    *Olympiad compeition period is 6 hours
    *Hero are chosen every weeks
    *Custom Olympiad engine.
    *Olympiad enchant limited to +6


    Every hour event

    *Many GM Event*for clan lvl ,reputation,etc
    Hide and seek
    Symon Says
    1vs1; Party vs Party; Clan vs Clan
    Trivial Event

    *Farm zones:

    You will find them on L2 Invictus Gatekeeper.
    USD zone 1 and 2 ( On Custom Zone)
    Lifestone zone 1 and 2 ( On Custom Zone)
    Book Of Giant's zone 1 and 2 ( On Custom Zone)

    *Custom Npc`s

    GM SHOP-Unique
    RAID GK-Unique

    *Custom Features

    2 Special armors with special stats.
    2 Sets of weapons with special stats.
    Tatto for mage and fighter with special stats.

    These stats are maded to feel the PvP mode and we didn't edited too mutch the armors for very big stats.

    For more visit our Website!!!


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=2796.0
    « Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 02:39:11 PM by L2invictus »

