
Author Topic: L2JINTERLUDE Multiskills x25 START 25.01.2019 500+ online  (Read 969 times)

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    INTERLUDE Multiskills x25 START 25.01.2019 500+ online
    « on: January 21, 2019, 05:09:08 AM »
    Grand Opening: January 25 at 20:00 (+3 GMT) :)

    Forum: http://forum.la2lords.ru/topic/1543-description-server-multiskill-x25-opisanie-servera-multiproff-x25/
    SITE: www.la2lords.ru

    MultiSkill (MultiProff) is not a standard system of character development. Now, each player can learn skills of any profession for SP. Every character can combine a warrior, mage or buffer on our server. You no longer need to open multiple windows and develop several characters – play for fun!


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    Exp: x25
    Sp: x1.25
    Drop: x10
    Spoil: x9
    Adena: x4
    Spam is not allowed Stone: x7
    Quest: х2-5
    Quest Reward (Exp/SP): х4
    Raid Boss: х1 (exp and sp x0.5)
    Epic Boss: х1 


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    Buff Time: 60 min
    Buff Slots - 50 +30
    Block Buff - a special skills which not allows to buff your characters
    NPC buffer - the basic buffs

    Sub-class and Nobless

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    Disabled quest to sub-class and Nobless
    Sub-class number: 3
    Simplified quest to Nobless. In the group (from 2-or more players need to kill Barakiel being on a sub-class, and be at least level 76)


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    Skills are auto learning
    Skills from other classes are learnig in the Giran Trade zone by Adele. More Info
    In order to learn a skill you not need a skill book
    Skills are adapted to MultiSkill
    New skills, buffs from a higher chronicles
    Not a standart way to enchant the skills - More info
    Attention! Skills SpellCraft and Magician's Movement decrease the attack speed while wearing light and heavy armors. Warriors do not need to learn this skills
    More info about changed skills


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    Full D-grade in weapon stone in Giran (adena)
    Full C and B-grade in Luxor (buy for D-C-B cry)
    Alt + B is available a small shop (consumables \ exchanger, etc.)

    Enchants and Augmentations

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    Stackable scrolls, lifestones, book of giants.
    Safe enchant +3 (full body armor +4)
    Max enchant +20
    Normal scroll chance - 60%
    Bless scroll chance - 75%
    Chanse to get a skill : TOP 10% / High 8% / Mid 6% / NG 4%
    Modified augmentation system - more

    Raid Boss

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    Removed A and S grade fullbody drop frm Raids
    Flame of Splendor Barakiel (80 lvl) - 4-7h
    Alliance RB - 5-8h
    Other RB - от 2-4h
    To all RB added drop scroll (both conventional and BLESS, on your level)
    Removed drop penalty from RB (3 and more levels)
    Increased RB power

    Grand Boss 

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    Queen Ant: 20h +/-2h
    Core: 20h +/-2h
    Orfen: 20h +/-2h
    Zaken: 24h +/-2h
    Baium: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 21:00 +3 GMT. Sleep time - 30m.
    Antharas: Every Tuesday and Saturday at 21:00 +3 GMT. Sleep time - 60m. Out time - 10m.
    Valakas: Every Thursday and Sunday at 21:00 +3 GMT. Sleep time - 60m. Out time - 10m.
    Frintezza: 36h. 35m instant.
    Increased Grand’s RB power
    Removed A and S grade fullbody drop frm Raids
    Removed drop penalty from Grand RBs (3 and more levels)


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    Olympiad start since the G.O
    Olympiad period – 1 week
    Heroes – every monday
    Olympiad time: every day 18:00 – 00.00 GMT +3
    7 Noblees required to start matches in non-class based games
    Class battles are disabled.
    In order to receive Hero and tokens 5 matches required


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    When creating any clan already has 5 level
    Penalty output \ exception of the clan - 6h.
    Сlan wars is available from 5 people in the clan
    All clan members receive all the clan skills (regardless of the rank)
    To improve Clan changed the number of players: 5 players
    The maximum number of academicians in the clan increased to 40 people
    The maximum number of clans in an alliance 1 clan


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    Full Dynasty craft (Weapons / armor / jewels)
    Dynasy is a bit boosted then S brade


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    Tattoos craftable
    Tattoos incease stats by 30%

    Amulet and Accessories

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    There is an improvement in accessories. Improvements give HP\MP\CP\Protection in pvp. Learn More
    There are amulets. Give HP\CP\MP\protection in pvp. Learn More

    Seven Sings and Siege

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    Catacombs and Necropolis working 24/7. No level penalty to enter
    Teleport to the Catacombs and Necropolis are all GC.
    Mammon available in Giran
    Siege period – 1 week
    - Giran and Rune, Every Sunday. Siege start at 21:00 GMT +3. Siege time - 2 h.
    - Goddard and Aden, Every Saturday.  Siege start at 21:00 GMT +3. Siege time - 2 h


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    Currency: (Adena & Ancient Adena) and:
    Etc_coin_of_fair_i00_0.jpg Festival Adena - Dropable from  76+ mobs in TOP locations (Varka, Ketra, FOG, MOS, IT, PI), also droppable from RBs
    Br_seed_of_fire_i00_0.jpg Fang - Drop from all RB. We need to create a tattoo.
    Br_seed_of_explosive_fire_i00_0.jpg Epic Fang - Drop from all Epic RB. We need to upgrade epic accessory.
    item_normal47.png Accessories Fang - Drop from Pagan. We need to upgrade accessories.
    Etc_unholy_crystal_1_i00_0.jpg  UnHoly Crystal - Dropable in Imperial Tomb. Also droppable from Halisha.  Need from Dynasty craft
    Etc_fire_crystal_1_i00_0.jpg  Fire Crystal - Drop in Forge of the Gods. Also drop from Ember. Need from Dynasty craft
    Etc_wind_crystal_1_i00_0.jpg  Holy Crystal - Drop in в Monastery of Silence (second floor). Also drop from Anays. Need from Dynasty craft.
    Etc_earth_crystal_1_i00_0.jpgEath Crystal - Drop in Varka Silenos Outpost. Also drop from Ketra's Hero Hekaton, Ketra's Commander Tayr and Ketra's Chief Brakki. Need from Dynasty craft.
    Etc_water_crystal_1_i00_0.jpg Water Crystal - Drop in Ketra Orc Outpost. Also drop from РБ Varka's Hero Shadith, Varka's Commander Mos and Varka's Chief Horus. Need from Dynasty craft.
    Etc_wind_crystal_1_i00_0.jpgWind Crystal - Drop in PI. Also droppable from Uruka and Sailren. Need from Dynasty craft
    bluestone.jpg Blue Stone - Drop in RIft (all lvl). Needed to improve the Amulet.
    aquastone.jpg  Aqua Stone - Drop in RIft (all lvl). Needed to improve the Amulet.
    redstone.jpg Red Stone - Drop in RIft (all lvl). Needed to improve the Amulet.
    purplestone.jpg  Purple Stone - Drop in RIft (all lvl). Needed to improve the Amulet.
    blackstone.jpg Black Stone - Drop in RIft (all lvl). Needed to improve the Amulet.


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    Increased mobs power
    "/unstuck" - 20 seconds
    Characters start in low equipment
    Inventory, WH, clan WH limit is 200
    offline command by .offline
    PvP damage decreased.
    Champion mobs x10(blue) and x25(red)
    If you stop exp (.menu) your character will get SP. EXP will goes max to the 99.99%

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=28896.0

