
Author Topic: New interlude x2000 l2 warzones  (Read 1246 times)

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    New interlude x2000 l2 warzones
    « on: October 28, 2012, 01:25:14 PM »

    XP: x2000
    SP: x2000
    Adena: x5000
    Party XP: x2
    Drop: x10

    Enchant Rates

    Safe Enchant: 4
    Enchant Max: 25
    Enchant Rate: 75%
    Blessed Enchant Rate: 100% (+25)

    Server Informer

    GK Global
    Shop GM FULL
    Scheme Buffer (Buffer & Pet Buffer)
    Auto Enchant +10

    Server Informer

    You can find a book in your inventory with all information from the server and all the events that are plowed in the next week.

    Global Gatekeepers

    The Global GK teleports you to every area of ​​the game and Special Areas.


    In the GM shop to find all the elements of D to S grade also find scrolls, consumables, potions, furniture, accessories, etc.
    Custom Armor


    On the server you will find an NPC Buffer, in which you can create profiles and use the car buff


    We have a lot of automatic events in our server as Team vs Team (TvT), Death Match (DM) and RaidBoss.

    Farm Areas

    There are plenty of custom agricultural areas on our server. For those who are starting, the most recommended is the "Newbie Zone Farm", where the crowds from level 20 to level 80 with a custom adena drop. The other areas: "buffer zones", "Area Champion" and "farm party zone" are for intermediate level players and veterans. Mobs there drop adena lots of scrolls, blessed love, Element stones / gems and Not allowed bullion.


    Dualbox protection in events (It looks at the IP of the machine, not the IP WAN, so they play in Cyber ​​Cafés are free to play)
    Offline shops (Opens a store and exit the game, your character will still be logged selling / buying items)
    Balanced Olympiads (All your stuff is treated as a + 6 enchant in battle)
    Certification skills
    Castle Sieges
    Clan Hall Sieges
    Fortress Sieges
    Balanced Classes for improved gameplay 97%
    PvP title color system


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=10066.0

