
Author Topic: L2JL2 Aria 50x Alpha Beta Test  (Read 1363 times)

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    L2 Aria 50x Alpha Beta Test
    « on: September 02, 2018, 05:10:21 AM »
    Lineage 2 Aria NO CUSTOM Server

    L2 Aria - Rates

    Experiance - 50x
    Sp - 50x
    Part XP - 1.2
    Part SP - 1.1
    Party Adena - 10
    Adena - 40x
    Drop - 40x
    Spol - x15

    L2 Aria - Enchant Rates

    Normal Scroll - 60%
    Blessed Scroll - 80%
    Max Safe - 5
    Max Enchant Weapon - 16
    Max Enchant Armor - 12
    Max Enchant Jewels - 12
    ( If you reach your weapon + 15 we gift you the 100% rate for +16)
    L2 Aria - Small Custom features

    Aria Tattoo Lvl 1 - Farmable - Increases HP/MP/CP Effect 1
    Aria Tattoo Lv 2 - Voteable - Increases HP/MP/CP Effect 2
    Aria Hat Lvl 1 - Farmable - Increases HP/MP/CP Effect 1
    Aria Hat Lvl 2 - Farmable - Increases HP/MP/CP Effect 2
    L2 Aria - Features

    Starting Zone - Elven Village
    Starting Level - 1
    Your protected till level 52 so nobody can hit you
    Sub - Class Level Starts from 40 like retail
    Full working NPC Shop
    Global Gateekeper - Level UP Zones, Farm Zones
    Full working NPC Buffer
    Clan Manager
    Npc Color Manager
    Vote NPC Manager
    Buff time limit 1 hour
    L2 - Aria Custom Commands

    .auto for automatic potions
    L2 - Aria other stuff

    Olympiad Period every week
    Sieges Every Week - Rune,Aden,Giran,Goddard
    Antibot - Smart Guard System
    Grand Bosses

    Lineage 2 Aria

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=28633.0
    « Last Edit: September 02, 2018, 08:32:45 AM by jean »

