
Author Topic: L2JL2 Aria Custom Server 1000x 20/5/2017  (Read 2835 times)

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    L2 Aria Custom Server 1000x 20/5/2017
    « on: April 25, 2017, 03:58:51 AM »
                                                                Client Interlude
    Server Rates: X1000 XP 1000 SP 1000X Adena  X500 Drop Rate
    Enchant Rates: Normal 70%+15 Blessed 100 %+15 Crystal Scroll 40 % for +16
    Safe Enchant+5
    Max Enchant+16
    3 Farm Areas
    1 Safe Farm Area
    Custom Weapon ( Infinity Aria Weapon )
    Custom Armor ( Aria Armor )
    Tattoo Fighter Mage
    Full working NPC buffer
    Full working Global GK
    Full Grand Bosses + 4 more bosses
    Primeval Island Flag Zone
    Aria Badges you need em to obtain Aria Weapon - Aria Armor
    Aria Boss Frame you need it to obtain Aria Weapon - Aria Armor
    Olympiad every week
    tvt,ctf,dm every 1 hour
    sieges every 7 days
    Vote NPC manager
    Augumenter NPC
    Starting Level 1 GoA Center Armor - hittable 3 mobs to lvl 80
    Free GM Shop Up to S grade
    Free Adena Starting 500kk
    Free 2 Donation coins to make em what ever you want ( they are not tradeable )
    Active GM's
    Event Held By GM's

    L2 Aria - Interlude

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27361.0

