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    L2 Beast Custom PvP Server !!!
    « on: March 07, 2019, 04:01:29 AM »

    The server will be launched on 11/03/2019 18:00 (GMT+2).

    13:00 GMT-3 Brazil

    Site:  http://l2beast.com/welcome/
    Fb Page: https://www.facebook.com/L2BeastCom/

    Chroncle: Interlude.
    Mode: Custom PvP.
    ▪ 40 Custom RB / 7 Grand Boss / 1 PvP Boss.
    ▪ New pvp zone with chaotic flag.
    ▪ Armors: Apella, Dynasty, Vesper.
    ▪ Custom Jews - L2 Not allowed.
      ▪ Weapons: Forever - L2 Not allowed . Upgrade weapon with PvP Coins / PvPs.
    ▪ 200+ online / 95% Balance class.
    ▪ Sub Free / Hero evry 5 days.
    ▪ Enchant: Safe +4, Max +25.
    ▪ PVP Server with FULL Customs.
    ▪ Easy Farm / Medium Custom RB / Hard Grand Epic RB.

    Basic Rates
    Start at 80lv, no need level up.
    Adena Drop Rate: 1x
    Spoil Drop Rate 10x ( Enria )

    About augments, We will have an augment shop.
     1 active +1 passive augments at the same time.

    Enchant Rates
    Enchant Safe: +4
    Enchant Weapon - Armor With Bless +21
    Max Enchant Sets With Crystal: +25
    Normal Enchant Scroll Rate 75% from 1 to 4
    Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate: 95% from 4 to 21
    Crystal Enchant Scroll Rate: 100% from 21 to 25

    Custom Community Board
    -GM Shop
    -Top Players / Heroes / Clans / Castles / Stats
    -Contact ( Balance no Op Item )

    Preview PvP Color
    30PvP: Name/Tittle Color
    100 PvP: Name/Tittle Color
    300 PvP: Name/Tittle Color
    800+ PvP: Name/Tittle Color

    Additional Features
    Auto Loot: Enabled
    Auto Loot Raid : Disabled
    Auto Learn Skills: Enabled
    Weight Limit: Disabled
    Grade penalty: Disabled
    Max Subclasses:  Four (4)
    Subclass Without Quest
    Anti-Farm Protection for PvP( You don't get PvP points from Same IP ).
    Anti-Farm Protection for PvP ( If u kill the same player Over 3 times. )
    Raid Boss announce.
    Player spawn protection - 10 seconds.

    .menu : autopotion
    .checkbot : if u see anyone with bots

    Class Penalty
    Bow Penalty in Tanks, Titans, Tyrants, Warlords.
    No Heal and Buffs at Monsters and Raids.
    Healer Class have 1sec delay about Great heal but Boost about P.D + M.D. +HP

    AIO NPC Buffer
    There is a support buffer spawned in Main Town
    Scheme buffer in every important town
    The buffs last for 3hours and are free of charge

    Boosted Buffers
    In order to give buffer classes such as prophets, bladedancers and swordsingers a fair chance to participate in pvp action, they have been given a special boost.
    All these classes will receive higher level skills which they can buff on themself only.
    For example: A prophet will get might3, shield3, windwalk3, haste3, etc. DB and SS have self dance and song lvl3.

    L2Beast Accesories
    * Silver Circlet : Special stats. more m.d.
    * Not allowed Circlet : Special stats. more p.d.
    * Fighter Mask: Special stats. hp100 , 1Str , 1Dex , 7Speed ,2%At.S. , 2%P.A.
    * Mage Mask: Special stats. hp100 , 1Int , 1Wit , 7Speed ,2%Ma.S. , 2%M.A.
    * Demonic Wings: Special stats. Speed +7 and 2 Evasion.
    * Angelic Wings: Special stats. Speed +7 and 2 Evasion.
    * Special Mage Tattoo: Special stats. 7%At.S. , 7%P.A.
    * Special Fighter Tattoo: Special stats. 7%Ma.S. , 7%M.A.

    Custom Boss Jewels
    They can be collected only by killing the Raid Bosses that owns them.
    Earring of Garacsia: MP +31, +10% bow resistance and +7 speed.
    Earring of Ipos: MP +31, +10% dagger resistance and +7 speed.
    Earring of Kandra: MP +31, +20% wind resistance and +7 speed.
    Earring of Von Helman: MP +31, +20% dark resistance and +7 speed.
    Earring of Vermilion: MP +31, +20% fire resistance and +7 speed.
    Earring of Falston: MP +31, +20% water resistance and +7 speed.
    Ring of Horuth: MP +21 and +5% P.Def.
    Ring of Mos: MP +21 and +5% M.Def.
    Ring of Shadith: MP +21 and 500% faster hp regen.
    Ring of Tayr: MP +21 and +100 bow range.
    Necklace of Hekaton: MP +42 and +10% CP.
    Necklace of Brakki: MP +42 and +60% resistance to most of the debuffs.
    Necklace of Naga: MP +42 and +10% HP

    Customized Raidbosses
    A lot of raid bosses have been added! These can be found at their original spawn points. Keep in mind that only the raid bosses
    of lvl76 and above have been added.

    L2Custom Armors
    *Free S - A grate armors and jwls in Armor Shop!
    * Apella (Medium)
    * Dynasty (Best)

    L2Beast Weapons
    Weapons with a unique SA on it. These weapons can be buy FREE in Weapon Shop!
    * Forever (Medium)
    * L2Beast (Best) / L2Beast upgrades with PvP coins

    Olympiad Games
    Every 4 day hero.
    A - S grade gears only with enchant limitations : Weapons +25 / Armors +25, and no customs at all.
    Winner take hero aura , custom hero buffs and hero weapon.

    Rebirth System
    Once a player becomes 80 level, he can choose to rebirth at the Rebirth Manager in Aden.
    Each player can get a maximum of 3 rebirths.(Droped from Raid Bosses)

    Additional Information
    Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants
    Pk Guards in Easy PvE zones with Autoress if u die and 1 hit on PKer
    Zone With PvP but Mods give 0 exp and sp
    Special items with only adena and PvP Award
    Balance Class
    Global and Trade chat with 50+ PvP
    Manny Customs Weapons
    /unstuck - 10 seconds
    Offline shop [add your shop and exit]
    PVP Name Color Changes / PK Title Color Changes.
    Player which have done the most damage to the monster will get the drop.
    FREE Auto Noblesse.

    The events available events are:
    TvT (Team vs Team) (Automatic)
    Death Match (Automatic)
    CTF (Capture the flag) (Automatic)
    Lucky Dice
    KIll The Gm ( PvP style )
    Hitman kill = adena price

    Custom Zones
    Main Town Giran.
    Safe Zone [ Imperial Tomb ]
    Normal Farm Zone's [ Monastery ]
    CLAN ZONE : ( cemetery )
    Normal Farm Zone's With Bless Drops + Enria ( Bandit strong Hold - Pvp +Pk )
    Hard Farm Zone [ Elven Fotress ( Here mods give 0 exp + sp ] Free PvP Zone .
    Farm Zone with custom matirials ( Mithril Mines )
    Grand Raid Boss ( Chaotic Zone)
    PvP Zone [ Custon pvp zones]
    PK kiler = drop item if die.

    Castle sieges
    Aden Castle start Friday at 18:00 and finish at 20:00
    Giran Castle start Saturday at 21:00 and finish at 23:00
    5 Diferent Fortress
    5 Diferent Clan halls


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=28997.0

