
Author Topic: L2-Evolution 25x  (Read 2625 times)

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    L2-Evolution 25x
    « on: June 02, 2011, 03:06:41 PM »
    Unique L2-Evolution Feautures:
    The Bee-Engine is a development tool which allows the team to adjust skills and classes in real time and without server restarts. More information on this system (with all the available commands for players) can be found ingame.
    Players can "suggest" balance configurations to admins via Bee-Engine: admins will review them and decide to apply or not.
    This is a step in the future for PvP balance.
    For more info of how to use it click here
    Ship Halls(Boats)
    Probably one on our most wonderful features!
    Get your own FLYING ship and drive it all over the world of Aden!
    Park it on farming zones, outside towns, make your own Scroll of Escape to go back on your FLYING ship.
    Clan leaders are the only one who can drive a ship with special commands.
    Also there are NPC on ship, but because of some tehnicall issues you need to wait about 4-5 seconds after you double clicked it.
    For more info of how to use it click here
    Annoucements system
    The annoucements system is totally changed on l2-evolution. Admin can make annoucements in very different way like they can write on center of the client/shout/trade/clan/party/alliance/CommandChannel/battlefield/herochat
    Using this system is more easily to see when something important is annouced.
    Event system
    Every Hour Events: And every next event is calculated by your votes.
    Examples of events : TvT, CTF, Bomb Fight, Zombie, Mutand and lots more!
    For more info of events click here
    Server Info
    XP: 25x
    SP: 30x
    Party XP: 2x
    Adena: 30x
    Spoil: 15x
    Drop: 15x
    Max Enchant: +18
    Safe Enchant: +4
    Normal Enchant Chance: 66%
    Blessed Enchant Chance: 70%
    Buff Slots: 24 + 4(Divine Inspiration)
    D/S Slots: 12
    Fully workable geodata and pathnode
    Working hellbound with Tower of Infinitum retail like(spawning cubics to teleporto from a floor to another)
    Working Delusion Chamber
    Working 7s quest series
    Full pailaka working
    Full kamaloka working
    Buff Time: 2 hours
    Server Features
    GmSHOP NPC with A grade items
    GlobalGK NPC in every town
    NPC Buffer with scheme system for players/pets
    Balanced Retail Olympiad with +6 max enchant value
    Auto-Learn skills
    Mana Potions 400MP
    All Clan skills work how they must work. Added at lvl 8 lvl 9 lvl 10 Squad Skills.
    Server specs
    Processors: Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore incl. Hyper-Threading Technology
    Memory(RAM): 24 GB DDR3
    HDD: 2 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD (Software-RAID 1)
    1 GBit OnBoard connected at 100 MBit
    Backup Space 100 GB

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3184.0

