The server opened today!!
Server Rates:
- XP: 3000x
- SP: 3000x
- Drop: 1x
- Spoil: 1x
- Safe enchant: +5 (on all)
- Max Enchant: +25
- Normal Scrolls: 70%
- Blessed Scrolls: 90%
- Improved Scrolls: 100%
With Blessed and Normal scrolls you can go only to +20.
With Improved Scrolls you can enchant to max +25!!
Augment Rates:
-No Grade LS Chance = 10% -Mid Grade LS Chance = 15% -High Grade LS Chance = 25% -Top Grade LS Chance = 35%
Server Info:
**Special features**
*Dwarf Mage class
*Anti-Buff shield skill
*Special skill effect on Raidbosses
**Game coins:
-Blank scroll: Needed to buy enchant scrolls and some consumables.
-Old Paper: With this coin you buy newbie items.
-Blood Coin: This is a special coin needed for special weapons.
-Silver & Blood coins are used to purchase special armors.
**Special Items **
* Vesper Armor+ Weapon [ Level 1]
* Vesper Noble Armor+ Noble Weapons [ Level 2]
* Special Hats.
* Special Tattoos for mage and fighters
* Stats are balanced.
* Balanced Pvp.
*Npc Augmentation
*Symbol Maker
*Global Gatekeper
*Raid Boss Gatekeeper .
*Reward Npc
*Wedding Manager
*Pvp/Pk Rank Npc
*Skill Enchanter
*Special Buffer
*Special Armor/Weapon Npc's
*Class Changer.
*Unique Gm Shop.
*Sieges duration: 90 minutes.
*Olympiads full retail work.
*Olympiad period is every week.
*NPC Buffer duration 4 hours ( 45 buffs/ 24 songs & dances).
*Clan Hall Active.
*TVT, CTF, DM, PC Bang events.
*Auto Events every hour.
*Special Raid Bosses with special drop.
*Special Farm/Start/Pvp zones
*Commands: .deposit | .withdraw | .away | .back | .online
*L2Phx,L2Walker, Anti DDos protection.
*You have special areas where you can farm !!!