
Author Topic: L2JL2 Good Vs EVIL 25 MARCH JOIN US!  (Read 3277 times)

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OfflineRadoslav Bekqrov

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    L2 Good Vs EVIL 25 MARCH JOIN US!
    « on: March 15, 2017, 05:28:09 PM »

    Server Website: L2-Reality     Good Vs Evil     Faction25.03.2017 20:00 GMT+2​Official Open - Home

    Hello Dear PLAYERS, we are glad to announcements our new Faction Server Goes Alive on 25 March 20:00 GMT +2!
    Join Us And Be There <3

    There Is 2 Team: GOOD Vs EVIL
    Starting Level : 78
    Custom XP/SP System Learn From PvP
    Custom Faction Maps + Cappture The Flag
    PvP Map Change Every 1 Hour
    Custom Castle System Every Week
    Hero System Weekly Heroes
    Custom Community Board [TOP /PVP/STATUS/POINTS]
    Safe Enchant: 3
    Max Enchant: 10
    Enchant Rate: 50 % Blessed /Normal
    Augment System: 10% Activ/Passiv

    - There are two factions team's.
    - Adena can be earned by killing other faction members or captured flags
    - Every player can rechose his faction on faction manager
    - We have faction points system
    - Faction Points can be received in many ways too - pvp, ctf,TVT,OLY!
    - Phoenix Event Engine With 15 Events
    - Captured Flag "almost 50 + Maps"
    - Custom Reward From PvP + increase Bonus
    - Custom Java Gatekeeper With Many Map's Duration 1h /45/30 min
    - Unique Buffer With All Buffs/ pp/wc/bd/ss/ee/se
    - Balance Login For the teams
    - Round top killer Reward + HERO Aura
    - Community Board with best player + points kills death's "online /offline status"
    - Voting Map System With New Desing
    - Siage Hero System Enable
    - Hero status till death every 9 pvp kills without death.
    - PvP Enchant System
    - Gained Enchant From PvP
    - Custom Reward From Owned Castle

    Custom Features :

    - Kino Event
    - Chaos Event
    - ChangePassword
    - Casino Manager
    - Fight Club [Disable for now]

    - .mapinfo / information about current and next maps.
    - .online / shows online statistics.
    - .changepass / command to change your password.
    - .setenchant / Enchant Menu Like On GvE.Net
    - .events
    - . casino
    - .away
    - .charinfo
    - .points / shows information about faction points.

    - Killing Spre System
    - Custom Welcome Pm
    - VoTe Reward System Hopzone/Topzone
    - Spawn Protect System + Effect
    - Clan Manager For 8 LvL Clan Or Clan System from Capruted flags.
    - Nobless Managerr][/center]

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27208.0
    « Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 12:54:24 PM by Radoslav Bekqrov »


    OfflineRadoslav Bekqrov

    • Newbie
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    • Posts: 2
    • L2topzone Votes: 1
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    • Reputation: +0/-0
    • L2topzone.com
      Re: L2 Good Vs EVIL 25 MARCH JOIN US!
      « Reply #1 on: March 23, 2017, 02:04:08 PM »

