Server rates:
XP: x50
SP: x50
Party XP and SP: x1.00
Adena Drop rate: x40
Drop items rate: x30
Drop SealStones rate: x2
Spoil rate: x20
Drop Quest rate: x10
Quests Reward rate: x10(nor for all)
Drop Raid Boss: x10
Enchant Rates:
Enchant Max: +16
Enchant Safe: +3
Enchant Safe full body: +4
Simple Enchant rates: 60%
Blessed Enchant rates: 66%
Full working skill and quests, on the global balance.
Working Fortress, Clan Hall and Castle siege.
Working cursed weapons system.
Augmentation full working.
Subclass without quest.
Full Working Wedings.
Champion> Working Geodata.
Npc buffer (Scheme buffer) 24+4 buff slot..
7Signs teleporter.
GM-shop till b grade.
Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop.
Working offline shop.
Auto learn skills.
Epic Boss:
Valakas spawn: 92+6 H
Antharas spawn: 72+4 H
Baium spawn: 48+4 H
Ant Queen spawn: 24+4 H
Zaken spawn: 40+4 H
Orfen spawn: 20+4 H
Core spawn: 33+4 H
Frintezza spawn: 48+6 H
Barakiel spawn: 5+2 Hours
Others Raid Boss spawn: 24+12 Hours
Grand Olympiad:
Olympiad system Every 1 Weeks (Full Working).
Olympiad start 18:00 and end 24:00
Validation period 12h
Heroes Change Every Monday
More info website/forum