
Author Topic: L2OFFL2ARENA.PRO - INTERLUDE PTS X20 - 23 DECEMBER!  (Read 1140 times)

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    « on: December 15, 2017, 04:23:32 PM »

    Web Site: Complex of game servers Lineage 2
    Chronic: Interlude
    start DATE: 23 Dec GMT +3
    Platform: PTS

    Exp/SP = 20
    drop = 10 chance
    to screw it up = 10 chance (up to X3)
    Spam is not allowed stone = 4
    quest item = 3 (Main quests)
    the reward for a quest adena = 3
    quest reward, Exp = 5
    RB exp/SP = 5
    drop RB = 4 chance

    What is waiting for You to start:
    All the people appear to be naturally finds.
    person appear with top NG EPI.
    Bremen accessory.
    In the Inventor SDK is for beginners, containing:
    the subject to realise Bremen access to choice (1 day)
    Soldati or spiritshot
    sweet BA (easy gait + hast or give)
    Switch to Offline Trade
    sweet teleport
    Run Exp/SP +50% for 6 hours. (first personal account, the easiest way sat behind us in Rating L2top!)

    Explore Low:
    a lot of monsters and a RAID boss's s:
    Automatic selection from monsters in addition to grass.
    bossom s lot falls to earth.

    sub-class and Nooblese:
    For the obtaining of the nobility, you need to go complete this quest. The subject of the quest for Price: Lunargent = 15 monet bonus, Hellfire oil = 50 bonus Monet.
    Reduced the quest for Sub-class. The price of a quest item = 20 Bonus coins.
    seven signs and Mammon:
    7 petty works in standard mode.
    Functions and Mammon in GM shop.

    the Duration of the Olympic games: from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT
    Olympiad Period 1 month. (Olympics works every day)

    items Aden:
    Unit weapons and accessories to B in gr.
    soul Crystal from 7 to 10 level.
    Soulshot / Spiritshot / blessed Spiritshot Di to s gr.
    arrow to s gr.
    Crystal / semi-precious stone and And gr.
    soul ore / units / Enrgy stone / cursed bones
    scroll: to recover from C.
    mana potion
    in the item-bonus Monet:
    Packing Soulshot / blessed Spiritshot from C to B gr.
    random Korobka s (drops a random weapon / equip And s g, Brother - s gr)
    scroll of trade (switch to offline trade)
    average / Height life class Stne 76
    sat on the bats and arms And s and g (not blessed)

    items for Not allowed coins:
    Run exp/SP (+50%) 6 / 12 / 24 / 72 hours
    Run Adena/Spam is not allowed stone (+50%) 6 / 12 / 24 / 72 hours
    Run to ruin (+50%) 6 / 12 / 24 / 72 hours
    Run drop/RAID boss (+50%) 6 / 12 / 24 / 72 hours

    monsters 79+ bonus round coins with a chance 5%.
    From the Raid Boss with a chance 85%. Halisha and Anakazel - chance 45%

    bonus coins:
    - Level 50-59 from 1 to 4 coins
    - Level 60-69 3 to 8 coin
    - Level 70-76 4 to 10 coins
    - Level 77-87 5 up to 15 coins.

    Epic Boss:
    - Queen Ant 10 to 25
    - Orfen/Core from 15 to 30
    - Zaken from 20 to 45
    - Baium from 35 to 75
    - Frintezza from 60 to 95
    - Antaras from 80 to 125
    - Valakas 100 to 155

    Read more about the server here: http://forum.l2arena.pro/index.php?/...scription-x20/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27939.0

