Server Information
Server Rates:
x10000 XP/SP (Custom Exp Zone)
x10000 Adena (Custom Farming Coins/Area)
Enchanting Settings:
Safe Enchant: +8
Max Enchant: +30
Normal Enchant Rate: 70% *
Blessed Enchant Rate 70% **
Crystal Enchant Rate 100%
* If enchant fails with normal scroll item goes -1.
** If enchant fails with blessed scroll item holds its enchant value.
Augmenting Settings:
Augment Skill Chance: 100%.
(Lifestones are kind of hard to get.)
Elementing Settings:
Enchant Chances:
Element Stone - 80%
Element Crystal - 70%
Element Jewel - 55%.
Legendary Attributes:
Dark Element.
Holy Element.
and there are a lot of more features wich u can see them on site.