
Author Topic: [L2DC] L2-Reunion 10x (start Feb.2012)  (Read 1805 times)

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    [L2DC] L2-Reunion 10x (start Feb.2012)
    « on: February 18, 2012, 05:46:35 PM »
    Welcome to L2-Reunion.

    New Start !!!!

    L2-Reunion is a International L2 Server hosted in Germany (Hetzner).
    The Server is running on L2DC Freya Files to provide you
    the best stability and functionality.
    Our moto is : Back to the Roots of Lineage 2 !!!

    Come and check it out !


    Lineage II - The 2nd Throne - Freya

    Rates :

    * Xp - 10x
    * Sp - 10x
    * Drop - 10x
    * Adena - 10x
    * Spoil - 10x
    * Spam is not allowed Stone - 10x
    * Raid Drop - 5x
    * Boss Jewel Drop - 1x
    * Party Xp/Sp - 1.3x
    * Manor Drop - 5x
    * Fishing Drop - 5x
    * Quest Drop - 5x
    * Quest Reward - 5x


    * L2DC Freya Files
    * No Donations
    * Dual Boxing (max 2 clients/IP)
    * No Auto Learn skills
    * No Mana Potions
    * No Common Items in Shops
    * Unique PK Protection  Systen for Low Level characters
    * Luxury Shop selling Low B and Low A Grade
    * 1 Hour Buff Times
    * 1 Hour Dance/Song Times
    * Retail Skill formulas
    * Retail Item Enchant Rates
    * Reworked Quest Rewards (so its worth to do)
    * Retail like Newbie Guides
    * No Quest needed for subclass
    * All Gracia Epilogue locations
    * All skill enchant routes
    * Skill Transfer
    * Subclass Skill Certifications
    * Shadow Weapons
    * Masterwork crafts
    * PvP Weapons & Armors
    * Vitality System
    * Fame Points System
    * Working Improved Baby Pets
    * Retail like Augmentations
    * Cursed Weapons
    * Improved Baby Pets
    * Herbs
    * All Seven Sign Epic Quests
    * Olympiad
    * Territory Wars
    * All Castles and Fortresses siegable


    * Pailaka
    * Kamaloka
    * Hellbound
    * Dark Cloud Mansion
    * Crystal Caverns
    * Nornils Garden
    * Custom Oldschool Giants Cave
    * Custom Solo Instance (Lv83+)


    * Grand Wedding Event
    * Master of Enchanting Event
    * Gift of Vitality Event
    * Freya launch Event
    * Kratei's Cube Event
    * TvT Event
    * Cruma Tower Event


    * Champion Monsters
    * Global Gatekeeper
    * AutoLoot (except Raids)
    * Offline Trading/Crafting
    * Ingame droplist with "Shift+left click"
    * ".exp" command to enable/disable xp gain
    * ".spoilmsg" for Spoil success notify for party
    * Trade zones (private stores only on predefined areas)
    * Quest Item Seller (1st and 2nd class)
    * Accessorie Seller
    * Special Tattoes
    * Soulshot/Spiritshot Seller

    If you want to learn the game step by step and work for your stuff...this is the place to be.


    Come join us , you won't be disappointed!

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=6407.0
    « Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 09:30:39 AM by Karakan »

