
Author Topic: L2OFFL2Ertheia.eu- 6x - 16.12.2022  (Read 1905 times)

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    L2Ertheia.eu- 6x - 16.12.2022
    « on: May 28, 2022, 05:39:53 AM »

    Project L2Ertheia.eu is now launching L2OFF server with retail like experience based on client version Ertheia.
    Our primary target is to bring you long term stable server based on low rates with antibot protection and not focused on pay to win strategy.

    Server Launch: 16.12.2022 - 18:00 UTC+2
    Open Beta Test: 09.12.2022 - 18:00 UTC+2
    Platform: L2OFF - Ertheia PTS

    Website: https://www.l2ertheia.eu/

    EXP/SP: 6x (dynamic rate)
    Adena: 3x
    Drop: 1x
    Spoil: 3x
    Quest: 1x

    We do not support pay to win! Donate coins can be obtained by regular playing
    Visible drop and spoil in-game in HP Status bar of the monsters
    We are trying to bring the most genuine official-like experience
    We use the best anti-bot protection which can be provided
    Maximum active sessions per PC is set to 3
    Fully working Mentoring system for everyone
    Full vitality restore every wednesday at 6:30
    Epic Raid Bosses have retail respawns
    Enchant rates same as retail servers
    Auto loot enabled for everyone (Raid Bosses still drop their loot on the ground)
    PIN code system authentication
    Offline Trade (available only in the Aden Castle Town or Clan Halls) type .offline into chat for activation
    Weight limit and inventory slots are increased
    NPC Buffs are available in every town (Buffs are Melodies/Sonatas level 1 for 60 minutes)
    Subclass / Dual class / Noblesse via retail-like quests
    Hellbound unlocked to level 11
    Main town is Aden Castle Town
    Buff slots are same as retail
    Monthly Olympiad system
    Party Matchmaking system
    Museum statistics system
    Auction system
    Ceremony of Chaos is same as on official server
    Shout and Trade chat are global
    Class transfers go through same quests as on retail
    D/C/B/A/S items are available in town armor/weapon shops (bound/normal/shadow)
    After reaching 85 you may trade your mentee certificate for R grade equipment

    Increased amount of monsters in low level zones (1-40)
    Increased respawn of quest monsters for class transfer quests
    Increased limit amount of active instances

    More specific settings can be found on our website in features section.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=30126.0
    « Last Edit: November 24, 2022, 03:41:08 AM by L2Ertheia »

