
Author Topic: L2Forever Unique Interlude PvP Server Tomorrow TEST!  (Read 6683 times)

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    L2Forever Unique Interlude PvP Server Tomorrow TEST!
    « on: August 28, 2012, 04:08:35 PM »
    WEBSITE: http://lineage2forever.eu/

    General Info

    In this server all action takes a place in Talking Island Village territory, so you will not get borred. There are 5 custom farming zones with custom drop. For more info about zones, click "Info" button at NPC - "Gabrielle". Also here you will find 6 Raid Bosses including server's strongest boss - Prime Lord of Argos. To see Raids statuses, click "Raid Boss Info" button at NPC - "Brown".
    Server Start Date: X Month X Day, 2012
    Server Version: Interlude
    Auto Create Accounts.

    Server Rates and Enchant

    XP/SP/DROP: x3000
    Safe Enchant: +4
    If enchant fails with blessed, item remains at +4 state.
    Maximum Enchant with Normal/Blessed Scroll: +12
    Maximum Enchant with Crystal Scroll: +15
    Maximum Enchant with Donate: +16
    No overpowered donation.
    Enchant Chance: 70%
    Blessed Enchant Chance: 80%
    Crystal Enchant Chance: 100%

    Newbie System


    This server uses Phoenix Event engine which brings an awesome events with many nice features.
    Automatic events every 90 minutes.
    Current working automatic events:
    Team vs Team, Team vs Team (VIP), Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination, Last Man Standing, Lucky Chests, Simon Says, Zombie, Russian Roulette, Mutant, Battlefield.

    Our server created events

    Kino Game Event, Automatic Hide Drop Event, PC Bang Points Event.

    Community Board

    There are re-designed and fully functional Community Board (ALT + B), which will provide extensive information on the server.

    Unique PvP and Rank System

    Announce PvP/PK in chat

    Rank System
    Ranks = Leader, Archon, Elite, Conjurer, Adept, Thug, Expert, Minor, Initiate, Novice.
    Need Points to Rank = Leader from - 900, Archon from - 800, Elite from - 700, Conjurer from - 600, Adept from - 500, Thug from - 400, Expert from - 300, Minor from - 200, Initiate from - 100, Novice from - 0.
    Rank Points for Kill = Leader - 10, Archon - 9, Elite - 8, Conjurer - 7, Adept - 6, Thug - 5, Expert - 4, Minor - 3, Initiate - 2, Novice - 1.

    PvP Lord Engine
    Everyday @ 00:00 the guy with the most PvP will become PvP Lord.

    PvP Lord have flame effect

    PvP Zone
    Then you die, you respawn into PvP Zone.

    Voiced Commands

    .online - Show online players.
    .exp - Enable or Disable EXP.
    .playpvpsong - Play PvP song.
    .help - Usefull info.
    .time - Show server time.
    .pm - Enable or Disable Message.
    .mailsend - You can send Message to player.
    .mailread - Read your Message(s).

    .kino - Kino Game Event.

    .getstats - Show your day stats.

    .votepanel - You can vote for our server.

    .repair - You can repair your character.

    .watcher - You can watch your or enemy PvP/Rank Informations!

    Shift-click Mobs and view their Droplist

    Anti Bot Protection

    Every 90 minutes you need to select correct word.
    You have 200 sec to select correct answer.
    If you don't select correct word or you select wrong word. You will be kicked!
    The correct word color is: yellow

    Clan system

    Level raising system has been changed to make game easier.
    To acquare clan skills you need eggs which you can obtain from Clan Zone mobs.
    Maximum number of clans in ally - 2.

    Conquerable Locations Mod

    How it works:
    Each conquerable location has one own "Occupation Crystal"
    Only clan above may be occupier of the location.
    To become lord of the location, you will have to:
    Kill "Occupation Crystal" (don't wory, he will be respawned shortly).
    Kill its guards - if exist.
    Praise and prestige for your clan and clan members.
    Special functions avaiable at Occupation Crystal.
    Occupation Crystal Functions:
    Only Clan Leader of the clan which is owner of the location may control/set functions of the crystal!
    There are few functions avaiable to set, depends from crystal type (there are better and worse).
    Other Info:
    Its obvious, but you are not allowed to kill your own Crystal (reduce HP).
    If your clan will lose Conqerable Location, each online clan member will be informed.

    Olympiad Games

    Retail olympiad (teleports out of olympiad immediately after the fight).
    Invisible till match starts in oly.
    Olympiad Battles time - from 18:00 to 00:00(GMT +2).
    Olympiad Period - 1 week.
    Dualbox in Olympiad protection.
    Recharge skills before match starts and after match ends.
    Hero weapons is enchantable.
    In olympiad you can't use Tattoo and Special Weapons.


    It's not all Managers!

    Achievements Manager

    Account Manager

    Orders Manager

    Raid Manager

    Anti Buff Shield


    Augmentation Skill Chance 10%.
    Max Augments per char 2 ( 1 active + 1 passive )
    Augmentation Skills are Balanced!

    Noblesse Status

    You gain Noblesse status if you kill Messenger of Argos.
    The Messenger of Argos respawn 1 hour.

    Shop Zone

    Server have Shop Zone, only in this zone you can use Private Store [Buy/Sell].

    Offline Trade

    Make Private Store [Buy/Sell] and logout.
    After Server Restart or Shutdown, all players in Offline mode will be auto logged.
    Max Days after no auto relog is 1 day.

    Other Info

    Full Geodata and Pathnode.
    Auto Loot Items.
    Auto Learn Skills.
    Max. Sub-Class: 4.
    Sub Class Without Quests.
    Wedding System.
    No weight limit.
    Max Buff Amount 32 + 4 Divine = 36 all together.
    8 Debuff Slots.
    Keep the effects buffs and debuff when you exit the game.
    Buffs time 2 hours.
    Players can use equip S grade at level 1.
    Unstuck Interval = 15 Sec.
    Player Spawn Protection = 30 Sec.
    Mana potion restores 800 MP and have 1 second cooldown. Can't be used at the Olympics.
    *This is a traditional aspect inherent in all high-rate PvP servers.
    Run Speed Boost = 20.
    *Say normal speed is 100, now with this option enabled it is 120.
    Starting level is 40.
    Effect + Message On Spawn Protection.
    Automatic Restart every day 05:00 morning!
    Anti-Farm PvP from same IP.
    Only 1 box allowed from 1 IP Address.
    Raids cannot receive lethal attacks.
    Player can't heal RB.
    Earthquake, redsky, announce when kill Raid Boss.
    Announce Raid Boss spawn.
    Fight Stats System.
    Unique Quake/Killing Spree system with a lot of unique sounds.
    Unique Buffer.
    On Death Custom Music and Red Sky.
    All Sub Class in one Master.
    After death buffs are not disappearing.
    Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants (Enchant scrolls, life stones, book of giants take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles).
    Custom Cancellation System - When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 15 seconds. So you don't need rebuff.



    Increases [CP, HP, MP by 5%] [Atk. Spd. by 2%] [P. Atk. by 2%] [Casting Speed by 2%] [M. Atk. by 2%].

    Increases [CP, HP, MP by 10%] [Atk. Spd. by 5%] [P. Atk. by 5%] [Casting Speed by 5%] [M. Atk. by 5%].

    Special Weapons

    Special weapons have same status like S grade and it looks like S grade weapons, but they have Special Skill.
    Fighters have 6% chance to release Special Damage Skill on hit.
    Mages have 3% chance to release Special Damage Skill on cast.

    PvP Skills

    500 - PvP Blessed Body (Increases maximum HP temporarily).
    1000 - PvP Fake Death (Makes PC play dead and dissuades the enemy from attacking).
    2000 - PvP Focus (Increases critical attack rate temporarily).
    3000 - PvP Empower (Increases M. Atk. temporarily).
    3001 - PvP Might (Increases P. Atk. temporarily).
    4000 - PvP Dash (Temporary burst of speed).
    6000 - PvP Resurrection (Resurrects a corpse).
    8000 - PvP Wind Walk (Increases Speed temporarily).
    9500 - PvP Return (Teleports caster to the nearest village).
    11000 - PvP Chant of Victory (The spirit of an ancient hero temporarily possesses the target).

    Name/Title Color changes

    500 - Player name color changed to blue.
    1000 - Player name color chnaged to pink.
    2000 - Player name color changed to green.
    3000 - Player name color changed to yellow.
    4000 - Player title color changed to pink, player name color changed to light blue.
    6000 - Player title color changed to dark grey, player name changed to purple.
    8000 - Player name color changed to orange.
    9500 - Player title color changed to red, player name changed to dark grey.
    11000 - Player title color changed to dark grey, player name color changed to red.

    This is not all information about server!
    So stop read it and go play in our server!

    WEBSITE: http://lineage2forever.eu/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=9251.0

