L2Fringe will open soon
i make this post so that 2 things hapen :
1) looking for a website developer/designer
2) so i gather some ppl for starting date
until website will be finish you can contact us at
https://www.facebook.com/fringe.interlude and skype : L2Fringe
server stats are not desided yet but it will be something like
Xp = 70x SP = 50x Adena 30x quests 10x spoil 20-30x gmshop
B grade max
successful pvp give reword 10 CP pots and 100k XP/SP ( i think wold be cool go get reword from pvp )
full buffer
24+4 buff slots
normal 65%
blesed 70%
crystal 100% (only at epics)- if extremly lucky
some of the lvl 20-30 raid bosses will have stats of lvl 76-80 and will drop full A grade/S grade armor/wepons crystal scrols C/B/ grade (if extremly lucky)
npc with raidboss online status
quest mobs needed for nobles quest and legacy of insolence are incresed in number so that quest go a little longer
mabe rebirth system.. not sure w8ting feedback from you guys
join facebook page and leve your ideas so we make a cool server not to easy to get bored/ not to hard to get annoyed and with lots of fun stuff
https://www.facebook.com/fringe.interludeLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=13030.0