When developing the server, our first concern was the economy.
So the first step we took, was making sure that adena would not lose it's value.
We set the adena rate to x1 and decreased all item pricing significantly.
Second thing we did, is we made sure the dwarves would be taken care of!
Soulshot crafting and item crystallization is an essential part of the economy, which is not often found in multicraft servers.
Not a single recipe, soulshot or any other craft item is sold in shops. We gave it all back to the dwarves!
1 million different custom npc's? No thanks!
Instead, we designed a custom community board that's super easy to use!
Everything from server info, commands, buffers, teleports, gm shop all the way to services and mammons!
All the things a player would need is located right there!
Seriously, bots won't even be a thing on our server!
We have the best protection hands down.
If by any miraculous way someone gets past our protection, that person will instantly get introduced to our active GM - Thor (We boosted his ban hammer to OP limits)
All player reports will be taken seriously, we have good ears.
Forums are a thing of the past, Discord is the future!
You will easily be able to find atleast one GM online on our discord server at all times.
Events, news and everything server related will be updated there.
Link to our discord can be found on our server website.
Yes... but what makes us special?
Our goal was to take old feel of interlude and make it more modern.
A new much more up to date interface with many comfortable features, like damage on screen, skillbar shortcut keys, separate soulshot and potion bars.
Previously mentioned community board, which just makes the gameplay so much easier.
Bards that don't require battle force to use their bubble, to make their classes essential for any pvp situation.
Upgradable Core and Orfen, to make those epics useful and worth fighting for.
And many other things that make the base game a lot more fresh.
XP: x25
SP: x25
Adena: x1
Drop: x10
Spoil: x10
Ok, ok... but where is the link to your website?
Since server launch, we have seen a steady increase in online. We listen to player suggestions and constantly do improvements. Not a single bot has been seen or reported. Join us, and see for yourself! No corruption, no paid clans, no cheaters!
Hope to see you ingame!