
Author Topic: L2JL2Insolence ready for new start ! ! !  (Read 1146 times)

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    L2Insolence ready for new start ! ! !
    « on: May 28, 2019, 04:21:29 PM »
    L2Insolence opening 2019-05-30

    Hello from L2Insolence!

    Here at L2Insolence, we have customized armors or weapons.
    We believe that customized weapons and armors can easily make PvP more enjoyable.

    Server is hard grinding so yea using bot is allowed.

    Web : http://l2insolence.eu

    We're running our server with High Five, and of course it's running with L2j files.

    XP, SP: 25x
    Spoil and Drop: 10x
    Adena: 20x Server Hard Farm

    Safe enchant Weapon: +20099
    Safe enchant Armor: +20099
    Max enchant Weapon: +20099
    Max enchant Armor: +20099
    Normal scrolls: 100%
    Blessed scrolls: 100%

    Spawn Protection
    Once you spawn, you're protected for 10 seconds.
    If you move, use a skill or use an item then the spawn protection will stop.
    Automatic Features
    We've arranged so your character will automatically pick up drops from normal mobs.
    Drops from Raid Bosses will automatically pick up.

    Skills are automatically learned.

    We also have automatic offline shops.
    Simply set up your shop and log out, and your offline shop will be active for 10 days.

    NPC Buffer
    There's an NPC buffer in all of our main towns: Aden, Giran and Goddard.
    It supplies Prophet Buffs, Songs and Dances for a small fee.
    Global Gatekeeper
    Every town has a Global Gatekeeper.
    This takes you to all popular High Five locations.
    GM Shop
    There's a GM shop in all of our main towns: Aden, Giran and Goddard.
    This shop has everything you need. Soulshots, Weapons, Armors, Potions and much more.
    Raid Bosses
    Top item can by farmed whith raid bosses.

    The olympiad is ongoing every two weeks.
    Meaning if you become a hero you will have your hero status for two weeks. And hero have own custom stats on items

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29135.0

