
Author Topic: L2OFFL2[Interlude] Sylvanasx75 (From BnB) Opening 17/3/2017  (Read 1216 times)

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    L2[Interlude] Sylvanasx75 (From BnB) Opening 17/3/2017
    « on: February 22, 2017, 02:35:17 AM »
    Dear Friends,

    Bits and Bytes is happy to announce the launch of Interlude Sylvanas x75 which will start on Friday @ 17/03/2017 21:00 Athens Time.

    The decision of the creation of the new Interlude server was taken after a heavy load of requests that were received lately regarding a fresh interlude server.

    The new server is with higher rates in order to provide the best lineage2 experience at this period of time as Spring is coming!

    Why you should preffer BNB Interlude server:

    - Official PTS files without bugs
    - International English based community
    - Long term project
    - Stable OFF files but not JAVA.
    - GMs with perennial experience in L2 server since 2004
    - Instant support and troubleshooting through teamviewer 24/7
    - Instant permanent ban on botters
    - Few and stable server per season in order to provide you the best gaming experience and create a better server in time
    - Zero lag from any place in the world


    Chronicle: Interlude Official Files
    Online Expected: 3.500+
    Site: http://l2.bnb.gr
    Forum: http://l2.bnb.gr/forum
    Support: http://l2.bnb.gr/support
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bnb.gr

    HOW TO CONNECT: http://links.bnb.gr/2kOgSJr


    XP/SP: x75
    Spoil chance: x15
    Adena amount: x50
    Spam is not allowed stone amount: x10
    Drop chance: x20
    RB exp/sp: x4
    RB Drop chance: x2
    Epic drop chance: x1
    Quest reward XP/SP: x10
    Quest reward adena: x10
    Quest item amount: x1 but some quests will be increased

    Quests with increased rates:
    Gather the Flames - rate x3, amount of Torch.
    Relics of the Old Empire - rate x3, amount of Broken Relic Part.
    Delicious Top Choice Meat - rate x3, amount of quest items.
    Alliance with Varka Silenos - rate x3, amount of quest items.
    Alliance with Ketra Orcs - rate x3, amount of quest items.
    War with Ketra - rate x3, amount of Molar of Ketra Orc.
    War with Varka - rate x3, amount of Varka's Mane.
    Heart in Search of Power - rate x3, amount of Gem of Submission (Gem of Saints)
    The Zero Hour - rate x3, amount of Stakato Fang.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27114.0
    « Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 02:36:39 AM by ProPlay1 »

