
Author Topic: [L2J] Not allowed Classic L2Blaze.NET x100 INTERLUDE! START 2015/10/01 20:00 GMT+3!  (Read 1507 times)

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    Dear L2Blaze and Lineage2 fans we want to announce that Classic x100 Interlude is going for new Lineage2 Not allowed season at 2015 October 1st 20:00 GMT+3!
    Sounds great? Yes! It is chance for new and old players to show again what they can!
    It is time to remind your enemy who you are, time to find new friends and spend best days in Not allowed Classic server.

    Registration is automatic in game, you just need to enter your ID and password which you want to use and you can start your game. Remember, we have more than 400k accounts in our database, thats why use HARDER ID, because easy ID can be already used.

    Special Voting EVENT Oct 1-4th!
    Vote for server in www.l2blaze.net/vote, click all banners and after VOTING you will get FREE 30 Medals, 15 more than always! You can VOTE EVERY 12 HOURS!

    Lucky enchants EVENT!
    First three players who will collect 200 Glittering medals will get chance to exchange it for +1 enchant on their weapon!

    Giran and Goddard Offline SHOP EVENT!
    Everyday one of Giran and Goddard offline shops will win VIP COIN! Leave your shop with normal item and you already participating in event.

    Superman EVENT!
    First three players who have colored nick, noblesse status and s grade weapon will win 10 FA for ea in Classic server.

    First clans EVENT!
    First 3 clans which will reach 8th clan level will win 10 FA for every clan!

    XP: x100
    SP: x100
    Party XP and SP: x1.80
    Adena Drop rate: x100
    Drop Items rate: x30
    Drop SealStones rate: x1.5
    Spoil rate: x40
    Drop Manor rate: x1
    Drop Quest rate: x10
    Quests Reward rate: x10(not for all)
    DropRaidBoss: x15

    Npc Buffer 2hours buffs time 24+4 Buffs slot.
    Scheme buffer.
    Global Gatekeeper!
    GM-shop till weapon B grade/ armor B grade and jewel B grade.
    Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop.
    Offline shop work with SELL , PRIVATE CREATION , PACKAGE SALE from 40LvL !

    If you have issues with connecting for example, if someone are hardly attacking server, in left of our website you can find WHITE LIST, press on it and approve your IP for connection! It will let you to connect to server and play.

    See you 2015 October 1st 20:00 GMT+3 on Not allowed Classic x100!
    Take your friends, clan and good enemy for more action!
    Website: http://l2blaze.net
    Forum: http://l2blaze.net/forum
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2Blaze.net

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=24470.0
    « Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 05:24:58 AM by l2blaze »

