Enchant Rates
- Enchant Rate 78 %
- Enchant Max Weapon = 16
- Enchant Max Armor = 16
- Enchant Safe = 4
- Enchant systems is retail like by scrolls (need to buy them).
- Enchant only Blessed Scrools
Server Commands
- .online see how many players online.
- .kino join kino event 4 numbers.
- .chaosjoin join chaos event super haste 2lv.
- .mapinfo command displays current map, next map and time left.
- .points displays points statistics of all factions and yourself.
About Server
- B grade free.
- A - S grade for aden.
- Starting level 75.
- No rb jewel.
- No custom items.
- 2 faction GOOD and EVIL.
- If team has more flags, rewards will be bigger.
- Faction manager to change faction for only 50 adena.
- Faction teleporter teleporting directly to captured and static flags.
- Many maps and flags.
- Only 1 main town Dion city.
- Map is changing automatically and can be vote to the next one.
- Anti Farm system by p.def, ip, clan, ally, last killed.
- Statistics in community board.
- Advanced chaos event with voiced commands to participate every 2 h.
- All npcs and multisells included: Scheme buffer, skill enchanter, class manager, augmenter and etc.
- NPC buffer can buff your pets. Also disable buffing for necromancer's pets.
- Faction guards.
- Anti-heavy system.
About reward
- Adena, exp, sp, faction point rewards from pvp and for capturing the flags.
- Adena reward for best player of the round
- Adena reward for second best player of the round
- Adena reward for third best player of the round
- Item reward for all players of winning faction
www.l2-gve.comLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=23233.0