
Author Topic: [L2J] [C6] L2Dread  (Read 1706 times)

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    [L2J] [C6] L2Dread
    « on: June 18, 2015, 04:58:39 AM »

    Vigor and Dreysor proudly present the feature list of L2Dread! A server brought to you by Interlude lovers, specializing in unique features, balance and stability.
    L2Dread Staff guarantees:
    * Stability: L2Dread is running at one of the top hosting companies, being DDoS protected at all times.
    * Balance: We realize that balance is one of the most important things to take care of in a live game, so we invested hours upon hours into working on it.
    * No corruption: Why being corrupted? We have nothing to gain and everything to lose by being corrupted.
    * Constant updates: Not much to say about this, you'll see for yourself, just make sure to daily check Changelogs section.
    * Unique gameplay: L2Dread is not a custom server, however it's not retail as well since we have unique features. Just test it and try to name it!

    EXP/SP : 1000x
    Adena/Drop : 1x
    Safe Enchant : +5
    Max Enchant : +20
    Normal Enchant Scroll Rate : 80% (Up to +16)
    Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate : 100% (Up to +16)
    Crystal Enchant Scroll Rate : 100% (Up to +20)
    Mid Lifestone Skill Success Rate : 9%
    High Lifestone Skill Success Rate : 35%
    Top Lifestone Skill Success Rate : 60%
    Augment Skill Minimum level : 1 level
    Augment Skill Maximum level : 10 level
    Augment Skill Stack : 1 active - 1 passive (on 1 class)
    Castle Sieges Period : 1 week
    Olympiad Hero Period : 1 week
    Olympiad : All items count as +5
    PVP Count enabled in Sieges and Arenas
    (Shift + Click) Show Droplist System enabled.
    Synergy Killing System (Bishops receive pvp reward too)
    Tattoos (Cas.Spd, Atk.Spd, RunSpd)
    8 Grand Bosses with auto re-spawn
    Raid Bosses with auto re-spawn
    PVP / PK Count anti feed protection
    HWID / IP Protection
    Antibot Guard Protection
    Olympiad Anti-Feed Protection
    Top PVP/PK color system
    APC Champion Mobs
    Noblesse Item (Right click to become noblesse)
    Hero's Symbol (Right click to become hero for 24 h)
    Commands: .online .report .joinevent .leaveevent
    Nexus EventsReworked (Fully Functional)
    Main Events: TVT, CTF, DeathMatch, Domination
    Mini Events: Single Player Fights (1v1), Party Fights, Korean Fights
    TOP PVP Zone Player Event
    Lottery Ticket Draw Event
    Clan War Event
    Hide and Seek / Find the Item Event
    Find the Dread Event
    Event Bosses
    Bloody Sunday Event (Coming Soon)
    Relaxing Monday Event (Coming Soon)

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=23773.0
    « Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 06:44:29 AM by GraetMaestro »

