Hey all,
The new server cooming soon - Europa - PvP style.
http://l2-europa.tk/Some features:
- Experience: 1000x
- Adena Drop: 500x
- Max enchant 10/11. By NPC - 16.
- Blessed Enchant Rate: 95%
- Dusk weapons, Apella / Dynasty armor, Reflect and Eva Shields.
(Apella +16 = Dynasty +0) (Same stats)
- Boosted BladeDancer.
- Boosted SwordSinger.
- Boosted WarLord (With Spear).
- Boosted Summoners.
- Boosted Prophet.
- Boosted WarCryer.
- Boosted Dwarfs.
- Boosted Dark Avenger.
- "HIDE" Skill for Daggers.
- Anti Heavy Set For Archers - HE/PR/SR.
- TvT/CTF/Event Medal events.
- S and NON grade disabled in olympiad.
- PvP reward - COL (Coin of Luck)
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=2132.0