
Author Topic: [L2J H5]Hell's Gates  (Read 1754 times)

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    [L2J H5]Hell's Gates
    « on: December 31, 2015, 08:55:18 AM »
    ► NEW H5 (high 5 client) PVP SERVER ITS GOING TO BE ALIVE ◄
    ► L2Hell'sGates..Don't Miss it!
    ► 02.01.2016 - 18:00 UTC +2

    Rates :

    Exp - 1000 x

    Sp - 1000 x

    Enchant :

    Safe : + 4

    Maximum : +16

    Normal enchant scrolls - 65 %

    Blessed enchant scrolls - 80 %

    Atribute :

    Elemental Stone max level : 7

    Level 4 and 7 - 80% | Farmable

    Unique Features

    1 . Special Clan Halls siege
    There will be a raid boss in the special clan hall zone that will drop a unique coin and the clan-party that will have it, will win the clan hall. Benefits : - The best looking Lineage 2 Clan Halls in the most epic zones of the map. - Unique Cloak for the clan members.
    2 . Visual skins
    The biggest part of the servers have the .dressme right? Here it dose not exist. We have instead visual skins there you will exchage your weapon for a new visual that you can't change back. - Every 2 weeks new visuals are going to be added. - You will choose what we will add with forum polls . - If you want in future we can add armors also, the polls will decide.
    3 . Custom Raid Bosses
    There will be 3 Raid Bosses with 4-5 hours spawn [ their spawn will be announced ] . - Each one of them will have Raid Boss jewels , so you will farm all of them to get a full set . - They will drop each time , but between 1-3 (for example : 1st Raid has Frintezza/Freya/Valakas you will have the chanse to drop : 1 Frintezza / 1 Valaks or 1 Frintezza or the best situation all of them) - Each raid will have the Raid Bosses cloak .
    4 . Cloaks
    There are cloaks that suit your armor set, and they give you a look that will be unique. You can excahnge the simple one for : - Elegia Cloak / Vesper Cloak / Vorpal Cloak / Moirai Cloak
    5 . Foundation
    Why do we have foundation ?
    - If you are a mid rate player and you want to change the server style, and we don't have foundation we affect your play style . SO, we have a foundation upgrader shop for armors . - That will help you to play as you wish.
    6 . Custom start
    In the special starting zone, you will get some help - There is going to be a npc that will give you a free set of moirai armor / icarus weapon / moirai jewels.
    7 . Farm
    You may ask what is so unique about the farm? - There will be 2 mobs, one that you will start to farm first , and the other that you will farm it after you get vesper. - So, here is the thing you need to get vesper before you start killing the other mob. We made it that you will pass through all the armor sets/weapons. - You can keep vesper if you are going to make it foundation, or get vorpal/elegia for a faster farm.
    8. Daily GM events
    You may say : Yes, everyone has that. Here will be something that will change your mind about a GM event. Forget H&S, Russian Roulette etc. We can't tell you right now, this will be a surprise . - A little spoiler is that the name of the first day major event it's : Black Winter .
    Start/End - 18:00 (UTC +2) / 00:00 (UTC +2)
    HeroEs every 1 weeks.
    Max Enchant in Olym +6.
    Non Class : Requieres 11 people to call.



    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25136.0
    « Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 09:00:05 AM by GraetMaestro »

