
Author Topic: [l2j-H5]L2isignia 5000x High Rate Server  (Read 4099 times)

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    [l2j-H5]L2isignia 5000x High Rate Server
    « on: November 08, 2011, 04:26:09 PM »
    Server Info
    Sunday, 06 November 2011 03:48 | Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 November 2011 00:01 | Written by [Dev]Cloud12 | PDF | Print | E-mail
    Welcome on our Server!
    Rates/Basics INFO:
    www.l2isignia.com     Join Now!!
    * Exp x5000
    * SP x5000
    * Adena x5000
    * Drop x1
    * Spoil x1 (drop chance)
    * Drop Raid Boss x100
    * Drop quest x5000
    * Quest reward x5000

    Item up to S84 (look guide below)
    Skill Certification working/skill enchant via Giant's Codex.

    Custom NPCs:

    GM Shop
    Augmentation Manager
    PvP-PK Manager
    WareHouse Manager
    Andromeda (Wedding Manager)

    Farm Areas:

    Easy Farm (S Grade)
    Medium Farm (Vesper)
    Hard Farm (Vesper +16)
    Party Farm (4-5 Player)

    Enchant Rates:

    Safe enchant +4
    Max enchant +16
    Normal Armor/Weapon/Jewels: 60%
    Blessed Armor/Weapon/Jewels: 75%

    13 hours Buff/3 hours Songs/Dances (except some buff, for balance)
    Unique Castle Siege System
    Custom Epic Bosses Stats
    Epic Bosses 3 Days respawn
    Auto learn skill
    Auto Loot (Auto Pickup)
    TvT/DM Events
    Offline Shops




    Adena - Adena are dropped only at our Easy and Medium Farm!
    With Adena you can buy Misc. and armor/weps/jewels up to S Grade at our custom gm shop!

    Isignia Coins - IC (Isignia Coins) are obtained from from all Custom mobs and events!!
    With IC you can buy armors/weps/jewels over S grade and more at our GM shop!

    Event - Glittering Medal - With EGM (Event - Glittering Medals) you can buy Forgotten Scrolls from our custom GM Shop!

    Transformation Coins - Just for Transformation scrolls, mainly for fun!

    Skill Coins - SC are used to buy Clan Skills! You get them from Party farm, means your clan must work like one otherwise no skills!

    Unsealing Coins - Remove Spam is not allowed from Vorpal/Elegia !

    Poker Chip - With this Item you can play Poker (Check below for more information)

    1 Million Poker Chips - You can exchange this item for 1k IC! (Check below for more information)

    Misc Items:

    Lifestones - RBs and Party farm

    Giant Codex - RBs and Party farm

    Giant's Codex - Mastery - Valakas Only! Might change in the future

    Elegia/Vorpal - Elegia/Vorpal PARTS are dropped by the Epic Bosses! Epic Bosses are now fully working!

    Freya Weapons - Freya weps are dropped in the Party Farm

    Soul Crystals - Stage 18 - Epic Bosses drop these too!

    Custom Mini Events:

    In order to open a table you need at least 2.000.000 Poker Chips.
    To join a table you will need at least as many Poker Chips as the minimum Buy In says and at most as much as the Maximum Buy In says.
    You can exchange 1.000.000 Poker Chip for 1.000 Isignia Coins in our GM-Shop, and vice versa.
    Our custom Poker Event works as real Poker! You play with Poker Chips and pay Isignia Coins to get them. In case you create a table and noone joins, the table will be auto-destroyed after a certain amount of time and you will get the item "1 Million Poker Chips" (for the Poker Chips you paid to create the table) which you can exchange for 1k IC!

    Custom NPC Guide:

    Gatekeeper - Our Global Gatekeeper.

    Augment Manager - Here you add Augmentation on your wep.

    GM-Shop - Everything that you can buy is here.

    Buffer - Our custom buffer. You can create a buff scheme or use the preset buffs for Mages or Fighters. You can also pick single buffs, heal yourself and remove your buffs.

    WareHouse Manager - The warehouse of L2Isignia.

    PvP-PK Manager - Top 50 PvP and PK list.

    Poker - Here you can play Poker if you have Poker Chips.

    Ishuma - You can unseal Vorpal/Elegia items and add a special ability on a Freya weapon.

    Custom Mobs:

    Gremling - EXP mob
    Drops: None

    Psycho-Cow - This mob is supposed to be killed with S grade +0, here you start!
    Drops: Adena, Isignia, Event - Glittering Medals

    Fire-Ball - Recommended for Fighters! You can solo this with +0 vesper.
    Drops: Adena, Isignia Coins, Event - Glittering Medals

    Liliths-Saint - Recommended for Mages! You can solo this with +0 vesper.
    Drops: Adena, Isignia Coins, Event - Glittering Medals

    Fire-Lord - This IS supposed to be hard! Two players with high-enchanted Vesper kill this fast!
    Drops: Isignia Coins, Unsealing Coins, Event Glittering Medal
    Spoil: Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade), Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)

    Demon-Knight - A bit weaker than the Red one!
    Drops: Isignia Coins, Unsealing Coins, Event Glittering Medal
    Spoil: Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade), Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)

    Oblivion Queer [Party] - A very hard mob with lots of interesting drops! You are supposed to kill it with party.
    Drops: Isignia Coins, Event - Glittering Medal, Unsealing Coins, Transformation Coins, Skill Coins, Water Stone, Earth Stone, Dark Stone, all Freya Weaps
    Spoil: Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85, Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S-Grade), Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade) all Freya Weaps

    Raid Bosses:

    Name - Difficulty - Drop

    Valakas -Hard - Necklace of Valakas, Sealed Elegia Tunic, Sealed Leather Breastplate, Sealed Elegia Breast Plate, Sealed Vorpal Tunic, Sealed Vorpal Leather Breastplate, Sealed Vorpal Breastplate, Green Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex - Mastery, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: [Comming Soon]
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Freya - Medium - Necklace of Freya, Blessed Necklace of Freya, Sealed Elegia Necklace, Sealed Vorpal Necklace, Red Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: Shuttgart Territory, near Frozen Labyrinth
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Scarlet van Halisha - Easy - Necklace of Frintezza, Sealed Elegia Necklace, Sealed Vorpal Necklace, Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: [Comming Soon]
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Antharas - Hard - Earring of Antharas, Sealed Elegia Stockings, Sealed Elegia Leather Legging, Sealed Elegia Gaiter, Sealed Vorpal Stocking, Sealed Vorpal Leather Legging, Sealed Vorpal Gaiter, Top-Grade Belt - PvP Physical, Top-Grade Belt - PvP Skill Attack, Top-Grade Belt - PvP Defense, Red Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: Aden Territory, near The Forbidden Gateway
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Zaken - Medium - Earring of Zaken, Blessed Earring of Zaken, Improved Blessed Earring of Zaken, Sealed Elegia Helmet, Sealed Elegia Leather Helmet, Sealed Elegia Circlet, Sealed Elegia Shield, Sealed Vorpal Helmet, Sealed Vorpal Leather Helmet, Sealed Vorpal Circlet, Sealed Vorpal Shield, Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: Giran Territory, near Giran Harbor
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Baylor - Easy - Baylor's Earring, Sealed Elegia Earring, Sealed Vorpal Earring, Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: [Comming Soon]
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Orfen - Easy - Earring of Orfen, Sealed Elegia Earring, Sealed Vorpal Earring, Blue Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: Oren Territory, near Oren Castle
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Baium - Hard - Ring of Baium, Improved Ring of Baium, Sealed Elegia Gauntlet, Sealed Elegia Leather Gloves, Sealed Elegia Gloves, Sealed Vorpal Gauntlet, Sealed Vorpal Leather Gloves, Sealed Vorpal Gloves, Striped Mithril Shirt - CP, Striped Mithril Shirt - HP, Striped Mithril Shirt - MP, Green Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: Hunter's Territory, near Anghel Waterfall
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Queen Ant - Medium - Ring of Queen Ant, Improved Ring of Queen Ant, Sealed Elegia Boots, Sealed Elegia Leather Boots, Sealed Elegia Shoes, Sealed Elegia Sigil, Sealed Vorpal Boots, Sealed Vorpal Leather Boots, Sealed Vorpal Shoes, Sealed Vorpal Sigil, Red Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: Gludio Territory, near Ruins of Despair
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Beleth - Medium - Ring of Beleth, Sealed Elegia Ring, Sealed Vorpal Ring, Red Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: [Comming Soon]
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Core - Easy - Ring of Core, Sealed Elegia Ring, Sealed Vorpal Ring, Green Soul Crystal - Stage 18, Giant's Codex, Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 85
    Location: Dion Territory, near Cruma Tower
    Respawn: 3 Days

    Event - Very Hard - [Comming Soon]
    Location: Events ONLY
    Respawn: 5 Minutes

    DemonLord - Very Easy - [Comming Soon]
    Location: [Comming Soon]
    Respawn: ~

    ~ - Very Easy - [Comming Soon]
    Location: [Comming Soon]
    Respawn: ~

    Your L2 Isignia Developing Team!

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4736.0

