Rates:Xp: 2000x
Sp: 2000x
Party Xp: x2
Party Sp: x2
Adena: 2000x
Drop: 10x
spoil: 10x
Enchant:Safe Enchant: +6
Max Enchant: +16
Normal Scroll Enchant Chance: 66%
Blessed Scroll Enchant Chance: 80%
Divine Scroll Enchant Chance: 100%(limit+12, Through Vote System)
Ancient Scroll Enchant Chance: 100%(Limit +16, drop valakas,antharas, olympiads, primeval isle spoil,clan zone spoil, events)
General:Instant LvL85
Character Control Panel ( .user )
Full GmShop.
Dedicated 30+4 slots for Buffs and 18 dances/songs.
Max subclass: 3
2 Hours Buffs.
Scheme Buffer with all buffs +15/+30
Antibot System.
Single Vote reward System ( through .user ).
massive vote reward system.
custom community board.
changed currency private stores buy/sell for festival adena.
Nexus Event Engine main events
(tvt,dm,ctf,zombies,battlegrounds,domination,mass domintaion,treasure chests and more!!)
Nexus Event Engine mini events
( 1vs1,2vs2,2vs2vs2,mini tvt-10vs10 or 20vs20 and more!)
olympiads every 2 weeks
hero weapons augmentable, attributable, enchantable.
Custom rewards for Olympiads
cancel skills give back buffs after 10 seconds.
olympiads Limit +6 ( no Custom Items)
Custom Clan Advent Buff (through the castle Lord's Crown)
Pvp/pk color name/title system
Offline shop Enabled
Goddess of destruction items farming easy mantra
Goddess of destruction Cloaks And War Helmets
all raidbosses,events, olympiads, Angels in danger zone drop
blesseds armor/weapon
Elements max lvl 7
Killing Spree PvP System
TownWar Event in aden every 2 hours , aden castle town become flagzone during 20 minutes to fight all vs all with awesome rewards!
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=22700.0