
Author Topic: [L2J] Indigo - Interlude - 1x  (Read 1604 times)

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    [L2J] Indigo - Interlude - 1x
    « on: December 15, 2015, 09:55:59 AM »
    Hello to everyone!
    I present you a lineage 2 interlude server. With few special things , they managed to make this game very pleasant, even if the experience is 1x , the full buff feature speeds it up,also it is giving you the opportunity to play solo or with group , Though, few buffs are retail ,not all of them lasts for 1 hour. Quest items for transfer class are not buyable.(Only 37 lvl quest can be bought with vote coins); mana drugs ,which regenerate some MP over 2 mins and others which doesn't influence the game.
    You can find on the website a full list of drops/spoils , craft information , and any other mats + exact rbs respawn time.
    Also,no donations!
    Indigo x1

    XP x1 SP x2 Adena x2 Drop x4 Spoil x5
    Quest DropRate x5 Quest Reward x1 RB/Epics x1
    Spam is not allowed Stones x3 Manor Seed x3 Manor Reward x1
    Enchant Rates:
    Enchant rate W/A/J: 70% and decreased with every enchant
    Safe enchant +3, fullbody +4 ; Max enchant +10
    Enabled Auto-loot.
    NO GM Shop.
    NO Custom Items.
    NO Custom Zones.
    Indigo scroll item can be buyed with vote coins. Contain: Buffer and 7S GK.
    Buff time for buffs/dance/song/prophecy is 1 hour. Other buffs with some exceptions are retail.
    -Scheme buffs are for free.
    Academy system works.
    Quests works.
    Manor works.
    Castle Sieges Retail.
    Olympiad Retail.
    Epic RBs Retail.
    Vote System reward you on every vote. Indigo Shop NPC in towns.
    EVERYBODY ARE EQUAL! Don`t expect special treatment of any kind!
    You should have a clean client of l2,to avoid critical errors.

    Website :http://l2indigo.com/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25050.0

